A Dopehead in a Cubs Cap

Look, the Holy Spirit is really distant. It's rough on him, he may as well be a single parent.

You still think swastikas look cool/
The real Nazis run your schools/
They're coaches, businessmen and cops/
In a real fourth Reich you'll be the first to go

How's Brexit going?

The musical was bad enough to actually disrupt the runaway train that is Disney On Broadway, so…yeah, that follows.

Total agreement. It also bugged me how after serving as a plot functionary for most of the book, right before the climax there's an incredibly interesting info dump about Aech that makes her an actual character and makes you want to see more from her…and then zip. That's the end of what it does with her, just saying

Hakuna Matata.

At this point, Bash's sexuality could go any way and I'd buy it. If he's straight, a romance between he and Carmen could be sweet. If he's gay, there's a neat story to be told about why he specifically chose women's professional wrestling as his passion and calling. If he's bi, you could do both!

I love that they're too strong for swords. Shit just breaks.

"Must Kill John Lennon…Must Kill John Lennon…"

< Anne Dowd >Kevin< /Anne Dowd >

Largely agreed, though I'd disagree with the assertion that Sanders is "the only politician actually mounting any kind of resistance to Trump." Some of the party, yes. As a Washingtonian, I'm really, really pleasantly surprised by one of my senators who I'd long since written off as a gladhanding technocrat. It's nice

They are protected.

I've always enjoyed thinking of her as "that actress from The Perfect Score."

I think you've underplayed just how much Catherine O'Hara contributes to the first two—they might be unwatchable without her.

80 year PTSD-driven opium binge is a go!

It plays nicely given that he's the only other Caucasian Iron Fist we ever hear about, and he fucked things up even worse than Danny could aspire to. Similar mistakes, on an even larger scale.

By the end of the next writer's run she was pregnant, actually. But then the book ended and the next time they showed up it was implied they'd drifted apart in their grief over losing it.

I like that she can play the traditional Jeryn Hogarth beats and I still buy that she's the character she was in JJ.

*cymbal crash*

It's more Craphole Narnia at this point.