
How old is your plane?

It was less weird before the media convinced everyone that their children will be abducted and sexually abused if they are left alone for more than 30 seconds.

lazy millennial.

Ok so I get the car fixed, but then my resale values are in the toilet and also I’ve been dealing with false MPG and emissions numbers for 60k miles. What about cash money payouts?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but this only includes 2009 and newer cars. An MKIV doesn't apply to this.

Two blocks. If I actually had to commute any real distance within the city on a daily basis, I’d probably use the subway to get to/from.

You drive your car to other places IN the city? That makes no sense at all, unless you like paying $20 for parking every time. I use my car to LEAVE the city every weekend- otherwise, it stays parked.