“and a citizen being injured in the process.”
“and a citizen being injured in the process.”
Dylon didn’t resist arrest. This is a terrible argument.
No, now’s the part where I tell you to piss off and do your own Googling. I’m not here to sway your mind, just to remind you that no one here values your blatant ignorance or denial of reality.
He was trying to leave and was pulled back and shot in the back.”, right so cops have already tried to taze this man as been reported by the news, and since that didn’t work you have what 3 cops with guns drawn and the guy should expect no push back from trying to leave? Do black people have this idea in their head…
“People in the far-right crowd came armed ......Some people in the opposing left-leaning crowd brought rocks”
America’s sacred cows. Above criticism, below agency. Summed up nicely here.
Ya know for all ive heard that black people live their lives in fear from a young age from police violence, they sure do seem to like to argue, run, not follow instructions, get physical and or run when faced with one.
A tale as old as time.
True. What a fucked up world where “snitches get stitches” is also a real thing.
Make no mistake, those guys marching aren’t exactly pro-diversity.
Wonder what Louis Farrakhan has to say about this bedwench race traitor? Black lives matter, but you suck the “Fake White Jews” dick at night? LOL
CPD Supt. David Brown disagrees that the widespread looting was a coordinated effort.
Yep, that definitely wouldn’t ever be said in a city where five children were killed in single weekend.
Oooh no... Barr’s been real heavy lately targeting the BLM movement labeling participants as “terrorists”.
Well of course, because that makes these black thugs look bad...better to call an innocent minority store owner a liar instead!
Rebecca - why are you leaving Bill Clinton out of this?
“That a prosecutor who campaigned on criminal justice reform could reach the same conclusions as McCulloch shows the limits of “progressive” prosecutors,....”
Of all the places on the internet, this has to be the one most devastated about the lack of Drumpf dirt in these drops.
Yeah. They’re gonna lie.
Peaceful protests? So, you going to LIE when so many have the simple ability to google the endless videos of arson, murders, assaults, looting, and calls for destruction?