people don’t understand how AMT works. This was obvious 5 years ago.
people don’t understand how AMT works. This was obvious 5 years ago.
I stand corrected, Walker did not admit that he heard the police announce themselves, but did hear them knock. Could that be CYA position through his lawyer, possibly if not probably. And the reason why I say this is because how many times I have heard witness relating to BLM cases outright lie to Police. Remember…
Black woman who was killed in her sleep after police entered her apartment with a no-knock warrant. He’s also inferring that unlike Floyd or Arbery, Breonna’s victimhood falls into question because her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, fired at intruders who barged into his crib after midnight without announcing themselves.
LMAO, nigga just sign your name. READ THE FORM.
lmao, boy I remember being on Gawker when Scalia died.
This country doesn’t need a president, it needs an exorcist. Like hearing wailing from the depths of hell. Christ almighty.
This man has truly broken your brains, embrace that.
The root expects cops to take incoming gun fire and not do anything about it. Yes she died tragically, but knowing that the cops knocked and announced themselves and the BF ambushed them by firing his gun at them first and hitting one, what do you expect the cops to do at that point. What’s the realistic alternative sc…
This dumb rhetoric where people equate and conflate civilians with cops is pretty dumb. If that’s the standard why did the boyfriend escalate the situation by firing a gun at cops? Oh did you also hear that the cops knocked and announced themselves at the door, which the boyfriend admitted to hearing?
You don’t get to…
why wouldn’t the felony murder rule apply to the boyfriend who fired first?
so is the 1619 project. What’s your point? ‘Revisionist’ history is a neutral descriptor.
the boyfriend also testified they knocked.
So we now have clarity over the warrant
celebrate snitches
yeah there is no “critical” thought being engaged here. It’s people being told what is “critical” thought. It’s pure ideology, unfalsifiable anti-science where objectivism doesn’t even exist as a concept.
Also A Raisin in the Sun is fucking overrated, PERIOODDTTTTT
Gee, I wonder what happened with this story?
A prime example of malfeasance from this website.
Yeah bro, 1 night of riots on maybe a yearly basis is just as comparable to the decades of riots and billions of damages from our totally oppressed violent subclass.
It’s weird that there is none of this concern when sports teams lose and angry (white) fans tear up cities, burn cars and generally act a fool over a score in a ball game
“Black Men doing nothing”
Yeah this guy was actually involved in a drive by shooting which left another black man dying and bleeding in the street. The root won’t tell you that though.