It’s funny how the people who hate this letter are only choosing to mention the names of folks like Rowling and others who have problematic views, or of figures like Yglesias who they can point to as being soft and privileged.
It’s funny how the people who hate this letter are only choosing to mention the names of folks like Rowling and others who have problematic views, or of figures like Yglesias who they can point to as being soft and privileged.
Schrodingers white domestic terrorist: Both the most common and deadly terrorist in the united states, something the government should take extremely seriously and also a pathetic fat old man to mock who can do no harm.
This is similar to how white men are fragile, which is why we need to remake society, history,…
It’s a wild paragraph.
The Root posted an article today saying the “poisoned milkshake” story was a “whole-ass lie.”
It is now time to post an article saying the “nooses” in Oakland and the “noose” in NASCAR stories are “whole-ass lies” too.
But we all know that won’t happen, eh?
Seems like an overcharge to me. The DA is reacting to politics. And that lessens the chance of conviction. Same DA charged police officers that used tasers on those to college students a couple weeks ago with aggravated assault saying that tasers were potentially lethal. The second cop here is being charged with…
“The video perfectly captured the way white women can manifest a threat to their safety as a weapon, even if they are not actively being harmed”
two weeks ago we were labeled “grandma killers” if we went outside or to work.
as soon as the protests sprung up no one cared about social distancing and now that the protests have died down people seem to care again.
The Center for Responsible Lending found that 95 percent of black businesses were denied funds from the program.
It’s become clear, over time, that there is simply no correspondence between what the writers spew out here, and what the articles they link to actually say. It’s not even close.
By “Get away with murder” of course you mean “Are quickly arrested and universally condemned”?
And by “Unheard” of course you mean “All media sources cover their activities and endlessly repeat their talking points almost universally in agreement”, right?
Zack, I’m sure I can guess at the reason. But why does your post not include everything that was in yesterday’s news on the incident?
The twin cities used to be overwhelmingly white, as in 95+%. Now, they’re at 60%, and most are older - only about 30% of the youth population is white. What happened? Oh, Black people began fleeing Chicago (which Mpls will resemble in a decade or two), “refugees” began to be settled there, and Central America’s…
and yet you are adamant in your support of gun control. hypocrite.
Awful blog retard
In such trying times, I always think of that Martin Luther King Jr. quote:
White-guilt libtard “progressive” Minneapolis is finally getting the logical end of their idiocy.
brace yourselves for The Root loyal apologists to justify looting and rioting as “justice” even though these officers will most likely be tried/convicted in court.
To point out the hypocrisy, why, does it bother you when POCs jump over to Jezebel to complain about white privilege? Same thing.
Holy shit. I hope you do not vote. The irrationality is this post is mind-numbing. I guess this is the affect of only reading The Root has on simple people. And why “racism” is still a thing in the US. Its more accepted to be outraged and Black, than just live your fucking life and pursue your own goals. Cultural…