A Drop of Hell, A Touch of Strange

I don’t think any of us here are capable of discriminating between genuine mental illness and an attempt to evade the consequences of one’s actions in a complete stranger with no access to that person. Committing terrible acts alone is no guarantee that someone does not know the difference between right and wrong.

Aside from the fact that Savage has a successful YT channel that he could use to pay for the conversion by filming the process and monetizing the videos, if he had a sponsor wouldn’t the vehicle belong to them at the end? Do companies usually pay for what are essentially marketing stunts and then walk away with

I think part of this issue is that the music consuming public can usually only recognize volume, duration and range as praiseworthy attributes of a singer. All of the many, many other elements that make a good singer are ignored. So when vocalists want to impress a crowd they go loud and long and as low and high as

When I heard about a female country singer screwing up the National Anthem while drunk on live TV I figured it was Elle King, Rob Schneider’s daughter. She’s developed a reputation for that sort of thing. I believe she was hammered onstage at the Opry recently. If you don’t know who I’m talking about she had a pretty

No one will become a fan or purchase a vehicle due to this post. It's a bored employee attempting to inject their personal interests into their job by any means necessary. Much like this article.

But how would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast? 

Back in my day pickup trucks had two doors, a bench seat, and a three foot shifter coming up out of the floor...But now (probably because of woke) pickup trucks are built bigger and easier to drive for the soft-handed folks in the suburbs

Ballard was accused of sexual misconduct by seven of his employees and O.U.R. for not offering proof behind their claims that they had spent years trying to turn into a TV show.

Somehow this is less cool to me than watching a virtual version in the vehicle simulator game BeamNG Drive. Huh.

Those of us who’ve been paying attention saw the issue, sure, but after having the problem literally waved in front of their faces even Democratic voters who aren’t politically engaged can’t help but notice. Maybe not you or I but plenty of people swallow messaging hook, line and sinker. Now they’re spitting out the

I’ve seen exactly this go wrong. It was a hospital and all the patient rooms had 4 foot doors for wheelchair access. Wasn’t an issue for me since I was doing the flooring and can easily tell when a design isn’t centered when it’s supposed to be. The overhead mechanical guys had a lot of problems though, they don’t

Yeah it’s a damn shame that we don’t have a duly elected, Constitutionally sanctioned office-holder whose entire job is to take over from the President in case of physical or mental incapacity. Like some sort of Assistant or "Vice" President. Quite the oversight if you ask me.

They’re probably frustrated that Democratic voters won’t just swallow whatever they’re told like the Trump supporters do. No politician really wants an informed, rational electorate. They want loyal followers who will believe what's momentarily convenient and then believe something else when it's more advantageous. 

Recently I saw a Charger with an enormous whip antenna mounted right in the middle of the cowling at the base of the windshield. As I gawked it drove under some low-hanging branches and the antenna hit both the roof and back glass. That antenna would go well with this vehicle. In case you were wondering, yes I live in

Be that as it may, I was talking about the phenomenon in general and not whether their relationship is an example of it.

What's with the whole bimbo/him on thing? Do people really find stupidity and ignorance attractive traits in potential romantic partners? I can see how it would make it easier to lie to them and manipulate them but that's the only advantage I can think of. Or maybe to constantly feel superior, like the adult in the

From the headline and picture I assumed the shredder was actually a jet turbine.

Having driven cars with no AC in extreme heat until the cooling system failed I can say that there was no beauty whatsoever and the simplicity of waiting for your engine to cool off to see if you ruined it was an experience I could have done without.

This might help put into context why rap beefs get so petty:

I was kind of surprised when, a few years back, my local sheriff was removed from office and imprisoned over corruption. The county jail had an ICE detention center built for it by the feds so whenever the sheriff's friends' undocumented employees would end up there he would release them for a fee. Some of the people