If you’re #1 on the call sheet, and even more when your name is on a building, you have an enormous amount of responsibility and power over how things are done. You set the tone, if not more.
If you’re #1 on the call sheet, and even more when your name is on a building, you have an enormous amount of responsibility and power over how things are done. You set the tone, if not more.
Douglas was a terrific Liberace. I would bet he's just as good here.
I’m sure this is a package deal for drinks and chips.
The prankers revealed themselves before Tucker aired the interview. Now Tucker can say he found them out & never intended to air the interview.
I can eat a whole pineapple in a day, if not one sitting. These are very cute, though.
Grant woukd still be labeled #2 on any call sheet issued for Florence Foster Jenkins. Actors/characters are assigned a number for admisitrative purposes and they keep that number for the whole shoot.
Peacock screwed up the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade in 2023, so I’m hopeful about them working this out.
True- But Isis was some kind of shape-shifter. The M:I Force had an actual feline-type Earth cat.
Pfft- the M:I Force had a cat agent back in the ‘60s.
The kitsch factor here is pretty high, so i have a banana pudding cake (branded cake mix, instant pudding, & braded tub of frosting) waiting in my cupboard.
Donut shops are often whole family businesses too.
Heh- there are worse exmples of white people thinking they are rapping.
Also, Jesus Chist Supestar.
I love ‘We Didn’r Start The Fire’ on general principles (I have a thing for List Songs, so sue me).
Yes, all true.
You gotta realize that Bond was the Star Wars of it’s day. You’d have had less controvery recasting Luke Skywalker.
This kind of thing obv isn’t new. You can prob find an example even earlier than ‘Sweet Charity’ (and add ‘Chicago’ to this list, for it’s many iterations).
Not exactly. The producers said it was the ENT->TOS->TNG and then it loops back and splits off. But the look and size of the Kelvin belies that immediately.
Jesus Christ Superstar posits Jesus as a deluded martyr.