Tina Fey just laid it all out in an interview with Conan O’Brien. “It’s a schedule built around cocaine. Then the Seventies end. As far as I knew, nobody was doing cocaine when I was on the show, but they still kept the schedule.”
Tina Fey just laid it all out in an interview with Conan O’Brien. “It’s a schedule built around cocaine. Then the Seventies end. As far as I knew, nobody was doing cocaine when I was on the show, but they still kept the schedule.”
what is this, fizzbin?
People complaining about this are ignoring that this is as much about future-proofing as it is about inclusion.
I haven’t thought about Spurlock in years and the last time I did was probably something to do with 30 Days. I had no idea about any of his sexual misconduct either, so that was a bit of a surprise to me in the article.
I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being…
Make another D&D movie. Fuck Kelvin Star Trek. Not necessarily in that order.
The same applies to Star Trek fans. Both DW and ST were progressive from the start and have continued breaking ground. The trolls can’t seem to accept it.
I will never understand bigoted Who fans. Their ideas are 100% counter to the message of the show. The Doctor would get in their faces and tell them how wrong they were. They would be the craven immoral humans collaborating with the Daleks.
It was gutsy to have Ncuti act opposite his predecessor, but what surprised me is that he kind of commanded all of his scenes instead of the other way around. He really came in guns blazing. I was impressed.
I’m a ride-or-die “What’s Up, Doc” man myself.
What is there to hate about chocolate oranges? Is it the orangey flavor? I always look forward to them every year -- especially the dark chocolate ones.
very good way to look at it. It’s not “tragically unresolved.” That was the resolution, tragic as it might have been. And a big part of Tennant’s “god complex” through the Waters of Mars to his regeneration is because he couldn’t save Donna without erasing her memories.
I agree. It was sad for her. Enormously sad. But something Enormously Sad happens to all of us. It happens to the Doctor over and over. No one gets to avoid it, and the hope/belief was that Donna would go back to her “ordinary life,” which didn’t have to be a tragedy. The rest of us live ordinary lives perfectly…
I hate the idea that something bad happening to a character is a mistake/shoddy treatment/a terrible disservice. It’s a drama. It’s supposed to affect you emotionally.
Yes, I really didn’t like that aspect of the “Timeless Child”. Plus it transforms The Doctor from being the Time Lord who made a choice to be something more, something better; to textually, biologically unique, something different from the other Time Lords, and the Time Lords stole that difference from The Doctor. It…
I had many, many, many issues with the Chibnall era, but Jodie Whittaker wasn’t one of them. Do I wish that the first female Doctor had had something resembling a consistent personality? Sure, but that wasn’t Whittaker’s fault.
Tennant was not my favorite Doctor (though Donna is my favorite companion of the new series). But it was really nice to have him back & I was surprised at how emotional I found it. I really respect his contributions to the series, which he took to unprecedented heights of both international popularity and sustained…
The “James Bond is a codename” theory only holds up of your viewing of the series ends the moment Lazenby quips “this never happened to the other fella.” Literally in the same movie, he’s shown reminiscing over events from the Connery movies. Diamonds Are Forever opens with Connery out for vengeance over Tracy Bond’s…
Three is about the limit. Any more and you just stop counting and call it a “polypic.”