And, it’s ‘Ten Commandments’, not ‘Tenth Commandment’...
And, it’s ‘Ten Commandments’, not ‘Tenth Commandment’...
That would confirm that the Kelvinverse is a completely separate and parallel universe from TOS-Shatner/Nimoy/Kelly, as many have surmised since ST’09 first unspooled.
Pfft- have you seen Arksnsas lately? Or the lives of some immigrant kids (6-8 hrs overnight cleaning a meatpackimg plant, then off to school (if they’re lucky))?
I have the 50th anniv set, with the empty slot for Skyfall, and the final 2 Craig films as singletons (+ NSNA and CR’67, naturally).
I know what you’re saying, but i have TNG on blu (replacing the DVD set) and the movies on blu and blu+4k (also replacing DVDs).
Similarly, or maybe as opposed to, James Bond still has yet to see a full 25 movie box (let alone a 27 movie box).
Keebler has been copying some GS cookie flavors for decades (incl the fancy Samoa). Dollar Tree-type stores have also been doing that to Thin Mints, Tagalogs, and a couple other flavors too. Oreo knocks off the s’mores flavor, artificial marshmallow and all. But The GS still has a handful of original flavors.
And Martok.
Agreed, all the way around.
Picking up the Picard box soon. S01&02 are terrible, but having all three still seems sensible.
Just be sure to acessorize with an untied bowtie.
‘So Fine’- his family clothing company sells designer jeans with clear plastic panels in the butt.
You mean...’Gandhi!’
Doctor Who Special #2
Nearly every companion gets a raw deal, somehow. Pity Liz Shaw who never got to leave the planet while the Third Doctor was exiled to Earth.
It explains everything- Next!
It kinda finally used elements of The Cartmel Plan. I don’t think the Doctor or the show needed that, but The Timeless Child was hardly out of the blue.
I wanted to watch, but the streaming option was basically non-existant.
It’s already a prequel to Star Trek, so...