
I look forward to this devolving into 12 hr marathons of ‘Mama’s Family’ and ‘Married with Children.’, followed by infomercials.

He’s written some terrific stuff, I like his work.

Any top-5 list that does not include a bahn mi or a grilled paenu butter&banana (on sour dough, add boacon) is not a serious list.

Score by Richard Band, too, hopefully.

Yes, exactly.

Scorcese has forgotton more about cinema & filmmaking than most people will learn in a lifetime.

Give the ushers buckets and turn them into piss-boys, I guess.

Aww, man.

I said, ‘We are so fucked’.

Marco’s would be my second choice for chain pizza- reasoably thin crust and tasty sauce. (Ameci’s is my first choice.)

It shows Oppenheimer’s university years, which are still pretty formative.

The Timelord Theory best fits the facts.

There were rumors of rumors @ 2 yrs ago that Netflix wanted to be bought out & Apple was there for it.

Just like most streaming shows.

Luc Besson has been trying to make his own Star Wars-like movies for ages, but nobody is embracing them. ‘Fifth Element’ is a fluke, at this rate.

Samantha Carter of Stargate-SG-1- scientist and soldier.

Sierra Online, a PC game company, was founded by a husband & wife team.

I know, right!?

That S goes back he ‘70s.