
Pop-Tart flavors peaked with Chocolate Cupcake (it had the taste and sensation of a chocolate cupcake), but that may have been a Kroger store brand flavor and discontinued in any case.

Alcohol-soaked gummi bears is a different proposition than gummi bears in my drink.

Look- i love iced tea, and i like gummi bears. But i don’t want gummi bears in my iced tea.

Not only was Monica’s apt rent controlled, they were living on the Grandmother's original lease. They never told the landlord the grandmother died.

In 1998 & 1999 i would often see up to seven movies in a theater over a weekend. That often meant self-created double- and triple- bills.

Yes it is.



The guy with a dildo strapped to his head on Reno:911 is an Oscar WINNING writer. You just never know.

Teamsters often honor other unions strikes- in and out of show-biz.

Is Obama p.g.a?

French fries are properly cooked by pulling moisture from the cut poratoes, frying them at low temp, the frying them again at a higher temp.

Ice wall. >sigh< They claim it’s an ice wall.

It wasn’t written for her- Tina lived next door to Bono and/or The Edge and they kinda thought Tina could sing it. It may have been tailored to her after they all agreed to it.

There was a writer’s strike going into S02- they started the season late, they recycled scripts from the unproduced Phase II, and they ignominiously ended the season with ‘Shades of Grey’.

The same way Fox News survives almost solely on carriage fees, so does ESPN.

Nope, nope. Not what I meant.

For Not Real Nuns, i offer Lindsay Wagner as ‘Sister Jaime’ from The Bionic Woman:

I’m fine with a combined Disbey/Hulu service, but stop making me pay for ESPN. If sports were so great and popular, you wouldn’t need my forced subscription fee to make it viable.