I see the first 2 helicopters in the game on battlelog but can't seem to find the third. Anyone know where the osprey appears in the game?
I see the first 2 helicopters in the game on battlelog but can't seem to find the third. Anyone know where the osprey appears in the game?
It has already started in mw3. Ever notice now that all of a sudden there are name brands on guns and the holo sight is eotech branded now? Anyway im struggling to understand Textron's side in this.
Guys, but it must be good! Look at the specs from the site!
Getting to 10th prestige in a month, and you feel worthless? Congratulations, you automatically have more moral than 99.9% of people who are also at your level! :D
NMH2 is great but I'm $15 short for NMH Paradise D:
I mean Nintendo coins, the Nintendo rewards program. You get extra coins if you register a game within the first few weeks of release.
Pushmo! Or if you're coin obsessed, mario kart 7, but I'm not sure how fun it is. Star fox 64 is an ok game if you're using this as a portable n64. Anyway I got the zelda edition too so the only games I have are oot and Pushmo. I hear good things from Mario 3dland though.
Ok thank you for that, it looked interesting and I'll check it out.
Ah, but the curtain did not leave a first good impression considering that she was at half undress. Anyway, thanks for introducing me, I'll look into this during winter break.
Yeah, just make sure the battery has NFC on it somewhere. Like the picture for this article for example.
My god that is a nice high resolution display. I would get one if I could afford the monthly service fees, so I'm stuck with a rooted Optimus V on Virgin Mobile. Can't argue with $25 a month for unlimited text and web though.
Iv'e always been a fan of pass-phrases, they work well and you can tailor them to each site you need to log in on.
Anyone know what anime the guys near the fence is from? It's interesting because it's about the only non-moe one there.
My parents spent 2 grand on a computer back in ut2004 days. Maybe earlier. Sad thing is I wasn't interested in gaming on it until Portal came out, then forgot about gaming on it again until a year or 2 ago. So I guess you can say I have little pc experience outside of steam and a torrent or 2. All gaming-wise of…
It won't even be out for this Christmas, sometime February next year.
Really? I'm not finding anything in the ad except $20 for buying a ps3
I too would like an explanation please.
That's awesome, but what I'm getting now is plenty for me. somehow it can handle 3 simultaneous netflix streams with top quality. Anyway my old connection was measured in kbps so I'm glad you never had to deal with that hellhole. Who's your provider?
Still way better than my old connection. The ping though, that's what matters when gaming :(