Admiral Sandvich

Didn't a horrible comedian say something along these lines on t.v. once?

Well it makes sense to me, fight childish thought with childish advertising. Considering how a remarkable portion of the cod fanbase is under 18, they have to lure players in with the proverbial lollipop somehow. Personally I don't really care since I'm on ps3 where there are less underage players, even in cod.

You do realize the government subsidized most of the cost to build those networks right? Building or expanding networks without that subsidization is just too expensive, even for the big bad isp companies.

The one you didn't ask for?

I almost choked when I saw that photo, and I have no idea why I found it so hilarious. Thanks for that.

Well attaching a dna fingerprint to a suit is marginally easier than killing specific undesirable rapidly changing cells, but I agree we could all throw some more effort into the medical field.

Oh thank you for clearing that up for me. I've never worn a full on suit in my life so I don't know about these things.

Isn't it enough just to have a suit made of wool? Or is this thing like a status symbol protection?

I like to imagine a hud occasionally, but it only happens when i get really into a game, such as my recent acquisition of deus ex. I don't feel like it affect me anymore than daydreaming does though.

Here is my school's speed. It's pretty nice for tf2ing around but they don't allow sustained downloads over 100mb in size :(

Simply beautiful. :')

Save $40 and get the hardened edition? comes with the free year of elite.

Thats all nice and well but....

Que relentless zelda fan rage! (Keep me out of it, I got a zelda concert to look forward to :D)

I for one don't see how a halo movie would be successful. In my opinion it would come off as looking like a B movie, it won't be able to maintain the gravity of the story without seeming too serious or not serious enough, or just an hour and a half of "I could be playing this at home right now".

Fair enough, but can you explain how exactly it requires skill?

Im playing deus ex second time for the nonlethal achievement. Too bad I can't seam to get my hands on a revolver until the trip to china. :(

What I never liked about the recent cod games is that the terrain always felt clunky. Too often my character would get stuck a small rock or refuse to walk back into a door. Say something like tf2, I've never felt like I had to pay attention to the floor I was walking on. Otherwise, cod is a good series because of

Iv'e been meaning to ask this, is it a custom skin that persists throughout the ui? or is it as simple as using a home replacement like adw?

whoops. I must have missed the announcement while I was playing tf2 for free. trololol i can haz opinionz too!