Admiral Sandvich

Why do people find sport games fun? Not trying to troll just really wondering why people find them enjoyable. Personally I don't find them slightly interesting, though it may have to do with my disinterest in sports in general.

I hope that wasn't a quickscope at the end. That is the worst thing about playing cod. I hate running into people who think it's an actual form of sniping and hate it even more when they defend it as requiring "skill" and "aim" to use. Just losers depending on aim assist the lot of them. On topic, I hope this isn't a

Its a bit of an overstatement that he invented everything, and I don't like Apple as a company ( though there is no denying the iphone 4 is one of the most gorgeous hardware out recently, right there with the zune hd) but I can and do thank him for giving everyone else the kick in the ass to get them to innovate.

while increasing gamer cred by 500. bonus points for using the original bc ps3.

what i would love is a gamepad with an analog stick to go with my 5 button mouse.

What happens to the first man you see rocking Gunnar Optiks and a pair of Astro A40s?

Does beastie boys count as rap? I enjoyed them well enough but I got out of the rap scene just when this guy and t-pain started getting popular, which oddly coincided with the release of Guitar Hero III. Anyway I guess I got tired of the songs focusing on gangster culture who's main audience of appeal were 14 year

Isn't the metroid helmet motif itself an easter egg?

who else bought it for the tf2 items? I know that was the tipping point for me, I was trying to save up a bit to get the augmented edition for ps3.

I just have to wonder what devout Catholics would react to seeing this. Sadly I wouldn't know this was a blizzard thing unless I was told. :(

well you obviously never played a suda51/grasshopper game. Absurd and childish practically define his games, seriously look them up, his latest game is FULL of dick jokes. I for one enjoy these types of games because they have absolutely no intention of being serious at all. Look at the game description and you'll

I just hope this has the same deal as Portal 2 had for PS3 and PC and they don't just abandon the idea.

Actually there is a problem with games that aren't scrub friendly. TF2 wasn't scrub friendly at the beginning but after all the updates it became something I play daily now. While I agree this guy is being a dick about a game he couldn't handle games shouldn't start off with a wall in the difficulty and learning

No they would be playing the indie html5 game you never heard of.

The problem is that the people who read these things are the people who use IloveButterflyKisses and are ok when the other idiots who don't read these and use password, passw0rd, or password1 and complain when they get hacked.

What I don't understand is why would anyone block xkcd at work?

Right well here are my pinions.

I like it. It's Apple design without the Apple :)

If I could promote this more I would, I'm still wondering the same thing.

Yes thank you for that. While yes genetically modifying corn can be bad so can naturally breeding select plant species or breeding specific anything (hypoallergenic pets?). What I hope people realize is that this can be good, we just need the people working on this to tread carefully.