Punching up is not bullying, it’s trying to stop the guy up top from stepping on your fingers.
They are now officially the party of trump.
The GOP in words: “We’re the party of Lincoln!”
Damon Young at the Root summed this up pretty well in his piece on Monday.
Opiod addiction, massive narcissim. Former was confirmed this week by Ebro, latter was confirmed by Kanye himself in a Tweet. All of this is because “[he] couldn’t get anything done with Obama”, i.e. Obama entertained every celebrity but Kanye and called him a jackass on national TV. By the logic of the enemy of my…
How does one go from “Bush doesn’t care about black people” to supporting the most overtly racist president in US history?
I just watched the Christina Tosi episode of Chef’s Table and the first episode of Ugly Delicious and I guarantee that David Chang dude is a huge fucking asshat to work with.
I think that’s why Nailed It! really clicked with me. There was plenty of awkwardness, but none of the hosts had that rage. Even when one of the contestants gave them raw batter and I think another just... forgot eggs entirely.
You know,
John was already married to Carol when he met Cindy, a beer empire heiress who was 18 years younger, at a military party. Carol had a terrible car accident that almost killed her. She was in a wheelchair, gained weight, and had to use crutches later on. Even before Cindy, John already admitted to other extramarital…
I remember when Meghan had a section in one of her books that called out Bill Clinton for infidelity.
J Edgar Hoover would have totally pulled off the outfit Meghan McCain has on better than her.
Which is ironic because she’s only sitting where she is today because of her father. No one would ever hire her if she was Jane Doe.
her father is basically dying, yet she’s spending her time shit-stirring and spreading GOP disinformation on daytime tv.
She must really, really hate her father to be such an ardent Trump supporter after everything he’s said and done to disparage John McCain.
NY didn’t have to imagine it, they lived it.
Like most right wing claims, this is an outright lie.
Single payer is not a crazy left wing dream.
She stayed with him because she’s a greedy fucking monster. Let’s not pretend that the women who married into this disgusting family are victims. They haven’t always only known what we all know - they’ve always known MORE.