
As a Tribe fan, these people are the worst. I removed my Wahoo decals and started only buying gear without the Chief pretty much right after I went to opening day and saw those protesters. Literally the only argument I ever needed, and should ever be needed.

America was never as good as you previously thought it was, and it’s not as bad as you currently think it is.

The Curse of the Klanbino?

Now that the Red Sox and both Chicago teams have won Series’ recently we really need a fun name for Cleveland’s struggles that’ll bring back some of that fun Billy Goat-Bambino stuff that Baseball’s so good at.

Like you clowns built so many other things “yourselves?” When you dipshits secede (please, please do) all the people who actually do all the work aren’t gonna come with you, kiddo. Watching Fox News in a Vicodin haze and yelling about immigrants isn’t going to get any bricks laid.

I am also not that interested in being ‘united’ with people who think it is the 2nd Amendment—and not the First—that is what sets this country apart. Given that conservatives in general credit themselves with a near-Talmudic attention to the Constitution’s ‘detail’—don’t they have enough faith to believe that our

SC out, Puerto Rico in. Git’er done!

Gotta love these states and regions that want to secede so that they can immediately become 3rd-world nations like the ones where all the people they hate come from. We’ll have to build a wall on the South Carolina border.

I sleep well at night knowing I won’t have to explain to my grandkids someday that I was one of the good Germans.

FUCK. OFF. And learn what Orwellian means

Keep fucking that chicken, bro.

Lol, OK.

I love Hogg *immediately* calling her out as only apologizing once she started losing sponsors.

I wish people would do this in life and not just in business.

There is nothing more difficult than standing in front of a group of people and letting silence be. (I know this from my teaching career...). It’s interesting to see the audience reaction - silence makes people so uncomfortable! Some feel the need to fill it - cheering, chanting etc - until the silence sinks in.

Part of the protests are for increased background checks, etc. This will address certain aspects of gun violence that you bring up. Most people are not looking to rescind the right to bear arms - just sensible gun laws.

We really need some sort of cognitive fitness test for national office. I know the idea feels uncomfortable, but this isn’t the only example though it’s the worst. Can we really trust people who struggle to read and have severe memory issues to make good policy? Should we?

As someone who has worked in the government before, this is something that they hammer you on as a workerbee hard and often that openly campaigning publicly for a canidate while in employ of the Federal Government is grounds for dismissal and other punishments.

Things we were told we can’t do:
-Put a sign in our yard

And if any team has experience with that kind of thing...