
Every few years there comes along a pretty accurate passer and the scouts collectively say, “Hurrrr, he’s too short. Probably can’t even see over the line.” Then they draft Brock Osweiler because you can’t teach that prototypical body type. And then Drew Brees and Russell Wilson kick everybody’s ass, and the

Aw man, it’s so beautiful, when a man, and a woman, bring a little bundle of joy into the world and then he disavows paternity but also sets up an irrevocable trust on behalf of the baby, who will never want for anything in this mortal world but a simple sign of love from the patrician-but-tacky old man who brings a

Like everything else about the Patriots, this story is listed as QUESTIONABLE.

For someone who claims not to be a Trump fan, you seem to share his habit of not reading. The first damn sentence says this was a GOP affair. Trump isn’t getting people together. He mentions the bipartisan gun control bill, but that has nothing to do with him (although he will certainly try to claim credit if any part

Lol! A 2 second Google search shows us:

We are dedicated to making Obama a one term President - the entire Republican party who would rather burn it down than give one inch on any Obama proposal.

First- Curious. Is there anywhere that has posted a current list of turnover rates in the Trump Whitehouse compared to previous administrations? I’d actually like to see it.

You think Trump might remember something that didn’t happen to him personally?

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

If Obama had ever said anything remotely like “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” there would be flaming barricades going up on every street corner in Texas and Georgia.

Get ready for some 4am twitter clarifications on his stated positions and why the media is trying to distort everything.

Fuck Luxembourg, the goddamn dime-store knockoff Liechtenstein.

the Orange Stain has pretty much ruined the office of the Presidency for all time

There will be amazing books written about the damage done and how long it will last (decade, a generation, quite possibly for the remainder of this age until climate catastrophe or world war re-orders the state of things). In the short term, the next president (if sufficiently worldly and cosmopolitan) will have a

Reading the other day about how the Orange Stain has pretty much ruined the office of the Presidency for all time (it will never be a special achievement again, because if he got it and was allowed to bumble fuck his way through it - then....).

Smart move for domestic Mexican politics, and I really can’t blame him all the political stuff aside. Meeting with Trump sounds unpleasant at best, particularly when your country has been one of his favorite racist bogeymen.

America 2018, where people train their entire lives and hone their skill to a degree that they’re one of the 10 best in the world...All with the hope that one day, they can land on a bullshit reality competition that featured this:


Oprah get more votes from white women than Hillary did. So there’s that...