
I keep thinking of that opening scene in Selma.
Oprah registering to vote.
Oprah’s memorized the preamble and knows how many judges there are in Alabama and so on, but it’s no good cos the dude just moves the line.
The rules aren’t the rules, the rules are just a stick to stop you from getting what I don’t want you to

Forcing parents to borrow against their own future is the quintessential Republican solution. Like borrowing against your 401k retirement (which has effectively wiped out retirement accounts), and the frighteningly irresponsible “financial product” called Reverse Mortgages, this is the latest way for the non-rich to

He probably tells his tailor he’s 6'3.

Seems appropriate.

It’s going to come out that he was late to a practice or team flight or some other bullshit. Sometimes NFL coaches are so up their own ass.

Yeah, but neither did their legions of loyal Trumpettes, who all vote based on the warped and turgid fever dreams of these idiots.

I wonder if Junior can get any dumber. The memo failed, it’s made Trump look even more guilty, and put the family right into the sights of the FBI. Not just that, but Nunes is now on the verge of being investigated for associating with the White House and Trump’s administration. This was their biggest failure yet, and

One thing is for sure, no one in the Trump family read or understood the memo.

You don’t have to be charged with anything to have a FISA warrant issued against you, it however only has continuation if information gained from the warrant justifies it. The FBI wasn’t trying to catch out his criminality by surveilling him, they were using him to find out info on “someone else”.

Hillary Clinton has been under investigation by the entire GOP for the last 30 years.

Assault does not necessarily involve a physical attack. Assault is any action that causes the other person to fear bodily harm. It can be a slap, a punch or a shove, but it can also be a verbal threat of violence, aggressive posturing (a raised fist, jabbing a finger) or yelling angrily in someone’s face.

My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

To be honest, what more did you want? He got up there, he effectively rebuked Trump without embarrassing us or himself, and he managed to express a positive vision for America. I thought he was pretty inspiring.

Consulting is less its own industry than the meta-industry of applying shitty jargon to other industries.

“He was also speaking one of the state’s OFFICIAL LANGUAGES. Official. Which would lead one to believe that speaking it in court should not be a problem.”

Your assumption is that the law is right regardless of what the law says. And that’s fine. Some people don’t like to think for themselves.

Why? This is a pretty standard reaction to someone refusing to comply with a judges order.

If there is an order that this man can not speak his native language in his native Hawaii, that order is unlawful. You cannot put a person in jail for speaking their native language, period.