
The ref is attempting to separate Fleming from Jax #39 because he sees him running over to James White, who was shoulder to shoulder with #39 incidentally. There were other players scuffling, so it’s pretty easy to see that the ref was trying to break up a possible scuffle if you watch the full clip. but, that was too

Anyone who attends an NFL with good seats will tell you the refs joke with the players all the time. However, I love the free real estate the Patriots have in the heads of most of America.

if there’s one thing we know about the nfl it’s that it just can’t stop bending over backwards for a team everyone, including the commissioner, hates, for... reasons

Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.

I don’t buy it. It’s in the best interests of the league to have the largest media markets possible in the Super Bowl and London is way bigger than Boston.

It’s weird to me that people believe a) the Patriots are huge cheaters who were caught cheating by the NFL, and b) the NFL rigs games for the Patriots. It’s not unlike believing that the FBI nailed Hillary for her dangerous and flagrantly illegal e-mail server, and also that they secretly were trying to sink Trump’s

But for many the story is that the republicans held the WH, Senate, and House, and yet couldn’t pass a budget.

The nyt can go fuck themselves.

pudding weights less than muscle.

I’m actually buying this based on the fact that I think it’s all fat and no muscle.
It’s easy to look at guys like Chancellor and think there’s no way they could be the same weight but that dude probably has single digit body fat, where as Trump is probably...let’s say 30%.
Do some quick back of the napkin math (from


After volunteering for years at a high-kill animal control facility, we’ve never had a “normal” dog; they’ve all come with the issues of dogs who’ve been in a shelter for long periods of time. My husband has been exasperated with our dogs (we’re down to two...a 15-year-old chow we’ve had since he was 7 days old as a

I had some sympathy for the guy until he said she needed to get rid of her two dogs and get therapy for her “dog addiction.” Even if he agrees to get therapy, she should seriously dump this guy. Asking someone to get rid of a pet for your casual comfort is a huge red flag for me and speaks to their huge lack of

To me, the dog issue is neither here nor there; your response to it, on the other hand, is hugely telling.

I hate it when people do this. “I had a bad experience with a dog when I was five, so I can never be around them again.” “My dad forced me to go in the pool before I was ready, so water is a no go for the rest of my life.” “A masked gorilla scared me at Halloween as a toddler, so to this day I keep trick-or-treaters

I was the best baseball player in New York when I was young.

Naaaaaaw, Chief. When you take on a pet, you take on a responsibility for that pet for its LIFE. You don’t bail on a pet when it’s sick or sad or inconvenient. You spend money and time and love on it. Any pet - dog, cat, iguana, llama.

Yeah, seriously. “She won’t get rid of her two dogs she loves, she has a dog addiction.” Buddy.

You can pry my dogs from my cold, dead arms. Like hell they’re staying outside during evenings, disrupting the neighborhood by barking at the door endlessly— they’re pack animals and need their people. Nor would I lob them off indefinitely onto someone else while this dude works through his shit. It’s way too easy for

She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.