
Obesity is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Poor diet is a risk factor for poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health. Lack of exercise is a risk factor of poor health, but it is not actually a measure of poor health.

Do you really need to ask if the obese looking man who wears baggy suits to hide his massive girth is really in “excellent health”? He tries to hide his obesity, but there’s a ton of pictures of him in his golf attire. That is not the shape a man of “excellent health” has, no matter the age. Then you throw in the fact

If faking is test results means he that REALLY he’s in such bad shape that he only has a few more months to live before his heart explodes then... FAKE AWAY, WHITE HOUSE, FAKE AWAY!!!

He called a bunch of primarily black countries shitholes.

“Garbage countries are 99% of the time not garbage because of the people living in it but because of the people ruling.”

Consider this statement in light of your defense of the President. 

“It is you implying the people living in shitholes are shit people, not me.”

I don’t think they’re logically consistent, largely because there’s been no proof that Trump or his campaign were ever “spied on” in the manner he claimed (the claim that President Obama had Trump Tower tapped has been pretty thoroughly debunked, for instance).

Had there been evidence supporting his claims of

If I can offer three points of advice that you don’t have to take a full course for:

1.) One of the first and most important tenets of Rhet/Comp is to avoid engaging in arguments with zealots. “Zealot” doesn’t have the same religious connotation in this context that it does in colloquial expression—it just means any

When I say “the kids are mostly alright,” I mean they will be alright as individuals. I think the idea that any one generation will be the salvation of those who would prefer to see their particular government move in one direction or another is inherently self-serving, and deluded as a consequence.

Students are a

I think the problem with Trump’s tweets is twofold:

The first problem is that he tweets before he thinks. His speeches, on their own, are evidence of a man who operates in stream-of-consciousness in terms of his public pronouncements; that on its own would be concerning, but that he continues that behavior in a written

Honestly, it’s been kind of a mixed bag.

I’ve now taught in the south, and the upper Midwest, and in both geographic areas, I’ve run into the same thing:

Some students are exceptionally well-prepared in terms of having a general grasp of classical logic and salient argument.

Most don’t know what they’re doing, but can

So, I teach Rhet/Comp (argumentative logic in a written capacity) at the college level, and have for the last twelve years.

The level of obfuscation, dissemblance, and general reliance on logical fallacies that this administration continues to engage in is absolutely flabbergasting. I’m no political pundit, but I do

Speaking as a Japanese-American guy who travels to Tokyo 2-3 times a year for work:

This picture looks like Incognito is forcing Sir Patrick Stewart to give him a blowjob.

Use the Metro to get around. The Metro is fast, efficient, safe, and spotless. Signs are also in English. Pick up a PASMO or SUICA card.

On double pay walls: kill them all with fire

Honestly, as a Patriots fan, I’m kind of looking forward to it too. There’s an annoying, gross element of this fanbase that I increasingly can’t stand, and the only chance for it to ever be purged is a sustained period of mediocrity. I’ve already enjoyed more Super Bowl victories that fans of most other teams will

I need an adult...?

I’m more interested what he thinks about the cops that worship the Punisher and put his logo on their cop cars. That’s the most horrifying one for me.

Journalists are already pointing out several glaringly dubious anecdotes in the excerpts—like Trump responding “Who’s that?” at a mention of John Boehner, the former House Speaker he for years publicly criticized—which seem like a stretch even for this administration.