Admiral Hawkbar

This assumes that Brock can follow logic, which seems to disappear from the motivations of wrestlers whenever the Kayfabe Contrivance Lever is pulled.

That's the scenario I can see them doing very easily. Goldberg squashes Owens (thereby weakening current and future talent in favor of short-term part-time pop), and KO gets pissed at Cool Dad for not having his back. Super Best Canadian Friends break up and feud for the American title at KO Mania.

That's what I was fantasy booking, so I hope that creative has the sense to do that. Kevin Steen as WWE champion at Wrestlemania. What a time to be alive.

I'm optimistic for the build to Wrestlemania for Smackdown, because I there are several situations where I can see different people holding the belt, and Orton challenging them in the main event.

You know, the Chiefs should really give Brody Croyle a shot.

I think it’s more the Industrial Hot-Take Complex about Alex Smith. The “is Alex Smith a game manager” question is reaching “is Joe Flacco elite” proportions.

Trent Dilfer has a ring, so literally anything can happen.

(NFL Analyst trying to psych himself up for a hot take) “You know, when the Chief’s defense gets healthy and Maclin gets back the Chiefs are going to be dangerous in the playo—who am I kidding? Their quarterback is Alex Smith. The Chiefs sit on a throne of lies.”

+1 Tokyo engulfed in flames

Apparently what is funny, according to that episode, is yellowface bucktooth racism. Always hillarious!

This is Bill Hicks level of insight and burn lurking behind a veneer of polite midwestern folksiness, which makes it that much more scathing.

The Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight
Guy Incognito
Perkus Tooth (From Lethem's "Chronic City")
Sheev Palpatine. Just kidding.

In order to preserve the integrity of his border security plan, Trump operatives are now investigating to see if Dyson is of Mexican descent.

How dare you ask me for the American Express card, devil woman! Second wives are only worth of the Diner’s Club Card at most.

Otunga makes me actually miss Byron Saxton, which should be impossible.

When I bother to watch Raw, I ususally watch the 90 minute Hulu version the next day. Or, just listen to the recap on the Cheap Heat Podcast, which has been a lot more entertaining than the actual show lately.

I’ve been enjoying Jericho’s latest run ever since he transitioned from Cool Dad Jericho to full on heel “stupid idiot” Jericho.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but it can melt my heart.

How’s he going 2 afford making payments on his little red corvette?

I much prefer the KK&BBQS to King Khan and the Shrines, and to Mark Sultan's solo work. The sum of the parts is greater.