This is what a free market looks like.
I’m from Los Angeles. I can’t speak for his track record with the Cuban community, but in terms of the Asian and Latino communities in LA, he’s done a pretty solid job of reaching out to us so far. The rallies out here have drawn a lot of immigrant voters and a lot of campaign work is being done in K-Town and Thai…
That position is ludicrous. Bernie has already stated he will support the democratic candidate if it is not him (and it is clear it will not be him). If Hillary can’t attract the independents and Democrats, she will lose. That is all on her. She’s been grooming herself for this for decades.
My grandfather was treated like an immigrant when he changed his last name to avoid mobs due to anti-semitism. I’d put some Hebrew but I don’t think you’d read it as easily as I did your spanish, since unlike most of us that are directed to spend 15% of our public scholarly lives learning your cultural language, I…
If Trump wins, isn’t that the failure of the Clinton campaign?
Respectfully, many of Sanders supporters are not just privileged folks. Like you, there are a lot of us that are low income immigrants. I myself grew up as an illegal immigrant before becoming a citizen. Many of my relatives are still undocumented. I have a lot to lose should this election go the wrong way. I’m not…
Then you should be supporting Bernie. If Hillary gets the nomination, I’m blaming you for Trump’s eventual win.
I decided to vote Hillary because I don’t want you to blame me if she loses.
God forbid you take responsibility for choosing a loser of a candidate. Just like always...
That’s cool, because while Trump is just an incoherent moron, Hillary is actually fucking evil. So, I would take Trump getting bitch slapped by Congress for a couple years until he quits, over the demon worshiping sell out that is is HRC and her pedo husband.
If Trump wins, I’m blaming this on Hillary supporters. It’s bad enough she’s winning despite being weaker in the polls than mutha freaking Donald Trump, being under federal corruption investigation, and claiming that Reagan was an ally to gays, but that she’s continuing to cause a drift with democratic support is…
At no point did Sanders conspire with the DNC leadership to rig this election.
When 95% of those bullshit Superdelegates (Read: Big Donors) are already in the bag for that shrew HRC before the first ballot was cast in the first primary...what do you call that?
Meanwhile, Trump is going to build a wall, which is really…
Clinton supporters mistakenly think being extra-smug and douchey is going to make Sanders supporters change our minds.
Have fun losing in the fall.
If Trump wins, blame HRC for being the most hated candidate since Goldwater.
Oh no, shindean is going to blame Bernie supporters. That should get their attention.
His supporters raised more money than any politician, ever, in the history of time and without the benefit of a Super PAC of big money donors buying their candidate.
Fuck Hillary Clinton and fuck her supporters. Had she ran a fair primary, she’d be cruising to victory. Instead, she and the DNC tilted the odds in her…
I’d say there’s broad support for “don’t tell me how to live my life and I won’t tell you how to live yours”.
If you were BernieBro, you would know that we are heavily invested in local elections and have a vast online, grassroots network to support progressive politicians in local elections.
Why are you blaming the voters? The DNC has basically made it policy to run on a very fiscally conservative platform with as few socially liberal concessions as possible, and the one time a real candidate appears advocating for wealth equality, the whole fucking establishment came down on him. Voters don’t owe the…