Admin User

Not to useful. The really useful stuff will be the water, the carbonaceous goop, and *then* the native Nickel/Iron bits that all help make it easy to build things in Space and launch them.

Well, if Native Americans were placed upon this soil by God, and it is by His will that they remain upon it, He must be pretty pissed off at Native Americans to create and then keep them in their shitty lives they (you) whine about.

And you have the nerve to call others racist for wanting to enforce immigration laws?

I’m a programmer and even I think this is stupid. I didn’t know there were people out there who wanted to move on from Word

Did you read the part where I explained that they could not afford to come here legally so a husband and wife were separate for over 3 years and my oldest uncles (who were only highschool/middle school aged at the time) all worked full time hours to save up enough money to send back for the rest of their family?

I use google docs, it is a terrible goddamn service in comparison.

Because my documents do look better in Word than in Google Docs. And, oh, I’m a lawyer so I don’t want my documents from my clients and for my clients on the cloud.

I’m whitre and have three tribes in my family history. I’m not going anywhere racist cunt

Oh no! Whatever you do don’’t enforce our own laws. that would be just awful! Bawwww.....poor widdle immigwants.

Not really, a lot of the terrorist attacks are the second generations of the original illegal immigrants. They should all go. the parents knew they were breaking the laws. They should have though of that before they bred here. That is not my fault. As an American why should I pay taxes to take care of the? If they can

They are ALL deportable under the law.

You shouldn’t have lost then, eh?

If the father of a 14 year old commits a crime, then he is imprisoned and the family is ‘ripped apart’. No difference.

My family immigrated legally from Colombia, so I’m from the Americas by birth and a legal U.S. citizen as we went through the process. As I apparently fit all of your criteria, I’d be happy to show each of them the door personally if it would make you less squeemish.


meanwhile pres obama has deported more illegals then any other president... without a peep. Illegals need to be deported. Period. Legal immigrants hate you for circumventing the system they busted their behind to get accepted into, and even dems quietly want you gone when its their

We’re not executing them; we’re kicking them out of our nation for violating our law!

So? The people being deported aren’t citizens. And you’re making a strong case to end anchor baby citizenship. If at least one parent isn’t a legal resident or citizen, then kids should not be granted automatic citizenship just because they are born here.

Give me a break. No one is sending illegals to gas chambers or putting them in cattle cares. You are pathetic.

According to ICE, 30 of the 31 individuals arrested in New York had some sort of criminal record: Twelve of them were detained for DUIs; four had drug-possession related charges; one was charged with heroin possession; another four had fraud charges.

I was once in Tapachula, Chiapas Mexico, and I did not have proper documentation, and let me tell you, the Mexican immigration took me to the Guatemalan border and basically told me to get!! Guess what?? No advocasy for me or media coverage, nothing!!! And I am not, was not angry, technically I was in Mexico illegal,