Admin User

I wish I had some magic mushrooms right now.

Hey, free acid thursday!!!

As a survivor of a rape, these are my 5 cents:

No, the OP stated that the insurance company absorbed most of the pen purchase cost, but they passed that cost along in the form of higher premiums from their HMO. If the increase was so minimal, why is the OP complaining about it then? Obviously it was more than a few dollars, especially if insurance companies are

True, an “affordable care act” which makes you buy insurance is pretty crap, but you know, the healthcare insurance industry would put out a contract on Obama’s head if he eliminated their pork barrels by doing away with the insurance-based system and replace it with a socialized cost-based system like much of western

I’m not saying it’s 100% Obamas fault but think about it... an “affordable care act” should make healthcare affordable not insurance. Most countries do not require insurance they provide free health care. This is one of the downfalls of venture capitalism. Profits are worth more than human lifes and a system of

My, you are a dummy...

Except the insurance companies tend to make a profit, from the rising premiums we pay. So they might charge your insurance company, but you’re the one paying the bill in the end.

I really don’t have trouble moving my Epipen from one purse to another, just like my wallet. Is there a reason you need so many? I’ve had a severe allergy all my life and owning only one Epipen has never been a problem. As a child, I kept my shot in my cubby then brought it home each day. As a teen, I kept it in my

What are you talking about? As a child I had only one. I was taught to use it myself, starting at age 6. I carried it with me. Children aren’t idiots, and from experience I can tell you that the feeling of your throat closing is a strong motivator.

Okay. I’m 32 and was born with a severe allergy against cow’s milk protein. I didn’t ask for my food allergy. I do my absolute best in deciding what is safe to eat, but accidents can happen. I don’t own an Epi-Pen because they have become far too expensive. So whenever I put food in my mouth, I take my life in my

And yet you haven’t addressed any point I made. The “cheaper vaccine” you suggested is not an answer to a real problem for parents who deal with this life or death situation every single day, but merely a snarky comment that solves absolutely zero. Still want to have this argument, you tiresome, ill-informed asshole?

Jason, you are just an unimaginable asshole. You know that this whole argument is predicated on people who are terrified that their children will die a needless death, right?

That’s 100% bullshit. My dad works in big pharma and his company has deliverables in the US. The FDA and Canadian regulatory systems are analogous and the price of epi pens in Canada is almost nil. It's a ludicrous argument to assume that the US inspection system is more advanced than the Canadian or UK one.

The research companies get all sorts of perks and breaks and encouragement from the gov’t to do their research. They are greedy corporations, no different from Oil corporations, Food corporations, Big Banks. They used to be regulated: a corporation with a monopoly on an essential service/item would be forced to keep


Considering they’ve been raising their prices since 2008 and obamacare was signed in 2010 and wasn’t completed until 2015......