
I have a bad feeling about this.

I would totally agree with you up till the debacle that is how Amazon handled the pre-order for the Transformer Prime. They finally emailed me yesterday, after saying nothing for a month, to inform me it would be delivered in Feb, but hey they will get me the brick...I mean the first week in Jan (2 weeks

Agreed. It is the compilation and soundtrack that really make this work, though I have to say I am impressed what people can do in a second.

For your consideration, BrandChannel gives Jobs credit for pushing product placement for technology:

I thought the World Gobbler was much bigger.

The irregular ones seem to be part of a bombing range and the last may a monster version of the wind farm to the east at:

1) Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta is configured like this and it makes traffic management extremely efficient.

You realize that Whole Foods started in Texas?

"Fake boobs are not to be trifled with..."

Greyhound carries freight and people, just like airlines and trains do.

My god man! Suppose the information locked away in that PDF was actually available to the public?!

It does kind of look like Kuwait after the Iragi invasion.

I think the current product are more than durable. I bought my first CD (Dokken Tooth & Nail) in 1984 and it has spent time in my car at the peak of summer, been stored in a cardboard box in a very humid environment and was once left on pause (still spinning) for over a week while I was on a business trip. The Jewel

I run with glasses on...otherwise, I would never make it 100 feet down the road.

I would say this is more up Dr. Evil's long as the pool is filled with sharks with frickin' lasers on their heads.

Show me any program...on this whole planet...that has accomplished more. Perhaps you should go do some research on all the modern benefits made possible by Space Program Research.

These systems have been in use for years. Not sure where you guys have been.

Do these go to 11?

Wow, do you even go out in public? We have this thing called an immune system...just in case you have never heard of it.

Crazy batshit...absolutely...but crazy batshit gets the media's attention and the subsequent PR.