
They grow up into these...

I basically use Netflix to 'audition' Blu-ray releases to see if they are worth the extra investment, so the Instant Watch is a basic perk and even with my limited use, I find the selection...wanting.

Copyrights are still in effect.

Haven't priced a spec tree have you?


It is idiots like you that make me want to become a friggin' hippy.

Yeah...because the only thing trees are good for is oxygen and lumber...right...

Yeah...because I really like drinking broken glass.

You are kidding right?

Brilliant! Of course, I guess nothing happened between Medieval times and WWII.

Much better! Thanks for sharing.

Unless you use Auto-Arrange on your desktop and then you get a perfect grid of icons.

Exactly. When are people going to stop crediting the technology when it is the celebrity behind the tweet influencing the followers. Twitter does nothing that could not be accomplished through an email alias and RSS feed...except limit the size of the content.


Aaahhh, you guys and all your little speakers. When will you learn that it is all about the subs, so future surround systems will have a complete grid of subs the comprise the whole floor of the room...cause it is all about the subs.

Agreed. Hopefully, some taggers will come along and improve the's that bad.

The Movie was called Shaun of Dead and most Americans pronounce Sean as Shaun. I have never heard it pronounced See-ann.

I'm confused...was there supposed to be an article on this page? Thanks for the tidbit, but next time write an article.

Music isn't dying, it is the industry that is losing it grasp.