
I feel like prison guards see prisoner on prisoner murders as a solution to overcrowding.

I see it like my relationship with my dad. My dad is kind of a dick. Through out my life, he’s been kind of a bully, but he also was a first responder and he saved a lot of lives.

That is actually completely untrue. Celery still is a positive caloric intake. This is one of those stupid falsehoods that just won’t die.

No. This is a misconception that meat eaters try to spread, much like the ‘you know who is a vegan’ thing.

Now playing

I know, right!?!?!? Tituss Burgess is the perfect choice. Anyone who questions this needs to watch this.

I travel with a powerbank and a really good, two USB port charger. It allows me to let other people share a faster charging option, if I need to plug into the outlet as well as giving me the option to charge anywhere. I also have all the main charging options of cables with me as well.

I literally haven’t spoken to one of my uncles every since he tried to go on a monologue about how great Trump was going to be as President. 

Yeah. The containers I buy with the security seal are also filled right to the top.


It is so weird right now, seeing the posts about people baking in some places. Here in Vancouver, it is 17'C/62'F and cloudy. I have an A/C unit, but I haven’t bothered to turn it on other than to test it works when I set it up a few weeks ago.

I remember this. Yeah, sooooo fucking dumb. I bet you the majority of these people ended up buying a Keurig to replace the same one they smashed.

Yeah, I’m still going to just pay for things in full. I realize that, as people point out in the comments, I could earn interest on the money while I wait to make payments. Also, I assume this builds credit history of paying of a debt properly and on time, but I just really don’t like carrying debt.

I usually go for a public place. I’m also in Canada.

As for your comparison to long term road projects, you’re making me think you’re arguing in bad faith.

How do they not have like a plastic seal on their containers? Everything I buy has either a security strip holding the lid on or a plastic seal under the lid.

space debris

The people who are complaining about casting an extremely talented young black woman to play Ariel, probably also defended the casting of Scarlett Johansson in the live action Ghost in the Shell movie as well as other casting of white people in the roles meant for POC.

To my fellow white people, you can do any combination of these three things:

I have left a request that my remains be spread in a particular place that I travelled to and loved. There is money to be specifically put aside for a friend of mine (who has been designated in the will) to travel there plus have a good time. What will probably piss my family off is that, the friend in question, also

If you put a body out in the open in a hot, remote location, animals will get to it very quickly. A body can be down to mostly bones and scraps of cloth in just days, at the right time of year.