
it could potentially be useful for probes and satellites on long-term missions.

I find it weird how so much of their catalog is old B movies. I really wish they had their organization on the service better as, if I didn’t order stuff from Amazon on a regular basis, I’d probably cancel my Prime service.

I worked for two employers with 7am starts. I now find it hard to sleep in. You just get used to a 5am wake up when you do it for over 10 years.

And how does she feel about women and Canada? I am seeing someone right now, but it is early days.

Yeah, there is something not quite right about that lady. You should probably invest in some security cameras for your home.

I grew up on a farm where you got up at 7am on the weekends if you wanted breakfast. Sleeping in Saturday morning meant getting woken up at 8:30am and being told you had to be out in the barn in 10 minutes to do chores. God help us if dad got in some tree sections to be chopped up for firewood.

You do realize what they have to add to the cheese to make preshredded cheese not turn into a lump in the bag, right? What on god’s green earth would we have to add to butter to make it not melt into a lump?!?!?

There are several studies that suggest that there are thousands, possibly tens of thousands dying on the border lands every year. 

I wouldn’t call it a perfect failure. A perfect failure would be if people had rioted and police had opened fire, killing several people who are mostly children. Not wishing for people or children to die, just for the optics.

Saying ‘brain worms’ implies there is something for a brain worm to eat. Assuming that their name implies there diet, there is nothing there to eat. 

I would see a movie based accurately to the source material because the original versions of the fairy tales are truly fucked up. It would be a bonus if it had musical numbers because I love musicals.

This could actually make me want to see one of the Disney live action movie, since I blew off the ones so far because they seemed like a waste of my time. It also means that they could cast Terry Crews as King Triton.

Because he is probably severely mentally ill and should be in a special mental institute for the criminally insane.

And he will very likely get stabbed in prison. Stabbed a lot.

I am pretty certain those last three things (the stabbing, throat slitting, and dying part) will be done for free by someone in prison.

The generic face is perfect as all Trump cared when he pursed her is that she was pretty and willing to have sex with him while not disagreeing with him in any way.

And clearly pissed off her stylist. Her stylist must HATE her. I mean urinating in her coffee level of hate.

Talk about decreasing taxes, reining in government spending, maybe even reducing regulatory regulations.

It would have to be the first year of college.

This law sounds like it was basically written to keep people from running an illegal repair shop in their garage. The way it reads, it shouldn’t affect people who want to just bash their knuckles a bit doing their own car maintenance.