
That is the problem with text based communication.

Though, it should be pointed out that nothing is as cute as a fluffy little duckling. I’d more compare her to Balut which is a Philippine street food, a chicken embryo cooked in its shell.

Trying to decide if you are being sarcastic or not.

This is one of those dishes that getting it truly right is a delicate balance and, at the end of the day, I just order it in. 

I’ll be honest, I don’t do much on long weekends. I’d rather book a day off to create my own long weekend at another time.

Most airplanes fuselages are aluminum. Aluminum doesn’t rust.

You can at least hope that the monorail cars from Disney were better both in engineering and maintenance.

You’re not getting much out of solar panels that are in a ditch or under a viaduct.

The shrimp doesn’t need to be rancid, he just needs to ‘react’ to the shrimp and people will see what they want to see. Dead mice would take but a moment to plant before they turned the cameras on.

Reality tv is entirely about manufacturing reality. It is how those shows work, they appeal to our most base desires for offense and drama . . . . at the same time, planting an entire container of bad shrimp does sound unbelievable. Really, all he’d have to do is pretend to react to the contain of shrimp and we would

High speed rail ultimately is the only way to make rail travel relevant. Yes, Japan has a large network of regular speed rail all through the country to connect rural areas, but they only truly work to connect people to the highspeed Shinkansen system.

That is his M.O. Taking credit for other people’s successes and pretending like he had nothing to do with all his own failures . . . which is literally every idea he’s ever had.

Braiding each other’s hair. JK

I actually kind of like my job, but I’d still leave it if I won enough to retire. I could volunteer and do hours on my own terms.

If I won $6 million or more, I’d retire tomorrow. At least $1 million (or more, depending on how much I actually won) would immediately go into some kind of low-medium risk investment program. The rest would be in something that gave a extremely reliable but modest amount of interest which I would mostly live off of.

Yeah. It seems only fair since the lotto corporation is a crown corporation. The gov’t is already making a profit off of the whole affair. Taxing the winner would just be mean.

That is really neat, but I’d rather just slide on a regular harness and fuck.

Pay attention that you don’t fall out and definitely do not just try to thrust back in if you do fall out. That was my first experience with accidental anal and, let me tell you, it was not fun. It was at least 4 years until I let anyone send anything exploring back there again.

he would let me know ALL of his other (3) partners really loved it

My girls are small and, to be honest, the underboob* is the most sensitive part only second to my nipples which are unnecessarily sensitive more problematic than anything. Having my boobs gently fondled is arousing, but having my underboob gently stroked by nimble fingertips will make my pants accelerate towards the