
The JR system is a thing of beauty, having been there. Comfortable seats, decent food, easy booking, and you can totally sit and have a beer while watching the countryside fly by.

At least Indian has the infrastructure.

I wouldn’t cross Canada on a train either. Traveling by train is only a good experience in countries that have bothered to update their systems in a meaningful way in the last 50 years. 

Hydro power isn’t nearly as green as they are made up to be. Their dam lakes produce huge amounts of methane from rotting vegetation and land that they sunk.

Line the train right of way with solar panels. It is land they already own.

Are these even allowed on airplanes anymore?

The entire Japanese rail system is overhead lines. I think pretty much all of Europe’s system is too. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel here.

I want to see this applied to high speed rail. The trains need a wider right of way anyway (which have security fencing to keep idiots out) so they could line the route with solar panels that feed directly into the overheard lines. Admittedly, high speed rail would be an incredible challenge in the States as you

Hundreds or thousands of people have walked across that floor. It has been mopped daily with a mop that gets moderately rinsed after, but never really cleaned.

If they can’t ride a bike through a 30 foot wide space, then they shouldn’t be on any bike.

The Tomahawk is the ultimate dick extension in motorbike fashion. It is the way to say you have more money than brains.

Soft tops are noisy, leaky, easy to break into, and not worth it for the majority of the year. At least a removable hard top is quieter.

Do one that is Dickbutt.

Those red tops look like someone used a quick photoshop filter to make alternate options for an online ordering site.

Their imagination puts all sorts of horrible stuff on that dropped fork and that drives their decision, but in reality the risk is essentially nonexistent.

You don’t think that this is sleazy and dishonest? They are literally trying to inject themselves into a position between restaurants and customers without their permission or knowledge. There is a word for this: deception.

A dropped fork is conceptually gross. It is now on a floor that could have literally anything rubbed onto it. Urine, dog poop, vomit. It is all on the sidewalk somewhere and transferred to people’s shoes.

If it is something big and I can’t see my server anywhere, I’m going to politely wave down the nearest server. I’m not waiting 5-10 minutes for them to magically reappear.

I worry that they’ll end up calling in the National Guard when things go sideways. I could see a lot of people dying. Think Kent State but not even students protesting, just frustrated people and a lot more people getting shot.

I already have the concept for a Trump Memorial. It is a stand up urinal with a relief of his face front and center. Maybe have the mouth open and connected to the outflow so that it functions; though, the urine trickling back out of his mouth would be an interesting visual.