Adjective Man

Wise move: paves the way for double the number of interviews being interrupted by double the number of mandatory, interminable on-air advertisements.


Author: Claudé Travis

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

Division II: West Deviled Ham

No, they were down 20-0 at the half. I’m talking about games where they had double-digit leads (at Broncos in 1992, at Bills in 1993 [the infamous game], at home vs. the Joe Montana-led Chiefs in 1994)

The game you’re describing is ‘79; I would have been 6 and Thanksgiving would have been in Beaumont, and I think my East Texas relatives were probably split (even though Bum was from Orange). I don’t specifically remember the game, but I’ll bet I had my three-quarter-sleeved Luv Ya Blue shirt on for it.

“This stands for San Diegans finally casting off the yolk of oppression from extortioner owners!”

When I was in elementary school (everybody wore baby blue on Fridays and the Oilers’ fight song was played over the intercome), this was the Dome atmosphere; imagine the work that went into the ‘(Earl) Campbell’s Soup: Cream of Bradshaw’ sign. Contrast that with the 20 or so people who showed up in downtown Houston

Well, I for one will not stand here and let you badmouth the entire AFC West! GENTLEMEN!

This was also the story of the Oilers’ last year before the Tennessee move, I guess at least we’d won a few AFL Championships before our spectacular 90s playoff flame-outs (remember, Buffalo was only the second of three straight playoff double-digit leads blown). By that time, Budward Adams had threatened to vacate

I can’t see the name ‘Jimmer Fredette’ without singing the Davy Crockett theme song:

Thankfully, as neither is Cleveland, they’re met with overall indifference from nearly everybody else.

You’re right, overall it’s not a very interesting sport.

“Look, it’s the Pentagon Papers!”

Looking forward to April 2017's follow-up book, Narcoleptic Frothy Dipshits Who Have Interviewed Me

If they pull him from the starting lineup him he’ll just end up smashing mustard packets with a hammer at the end of the bench.

He’s The Master! (not in any sort of actual mastery sense, but more in a ‘The Master’ movie starring Philip Seymour Hoffman type of mastery)

I see somebody as concurrently stupid and prideful as Dana White making a “4-year-old”-level gaffe during a hypothetical deposition, and that the new moneyed overlords now controlling UFC will settle long before trial.

“But Marge, look at that hang-dog expression. He’s learned his lesson. Let’s get him a present!”