Adjective Man

Refugee who has been vetted for 24 months trying to find a safe place to live: “Too dangerous! Keep them out!”

So, you want more gormful reporters?

Excuse me, but we knew he was the one without the vague email problems, so I’m not sure how much more vetting we could do. It’s as if you expect us to see his taxes or something crazy like that.

Jackson runs this team like he’s three joints in and randomly shuffling around the kitchen looking for a cure for some serious munchies.

True to the spirit of Carmelo, this is the barely-beating the shot clock, contested twenty-footer of trades.

Typical Rovell. He omits that he’d originally booked Larry Anderson.

I wasn’t around to appreciate Raines but it’s about f* time Bagwell gets in - No positive PED tests yet “speculation” is what keeps him out.

You can only hold empty “he had giant biceps, he must’ve been juicing” allegations against an otherwise Hall of Famer for so long. Career .297/.408/.540/.948, 449 HRs (played in his prime in the Astrodome, which is no Minute Maid), 209 SBs, 9 seasons of 100+ runs and 30+ HRs, and despite his reputation, was very

Well those Australians certainly seemed personally insulted when they booed him off the court. It’s one thing if he’s screwing around off the court, but acting like a disinterested ass on the court is much worse. People have paid a lot of money to come watch a tennis match and his act is insulting to them.

Nick most certainly does not have the best forehand in tennis.

When asked to make statements contrary to the goals of their employer, I was shocked that no one stood up for those impacted by their company’s egregious behavior.

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

I’m not working my hardest because I’m trying to reach the highest level.

I am so excited for this to lead to scintillating conversations with my friends about their recent sports gambling exploits. Thankfully that will lead into a quick side conversation around their fantasy football team, and finally we can discuss a bar they went to last weekend that is one of their favorites and has a

Draymond Green: But I don’t really care if anyone else sees the game the way I see it, which is as a game where two teams of five players face off each other on a court with a basket on each end, a game where you shoot the ball for points and sometimes kick a random guy in the nuts.

Are you old enough to remember the Oilers/Cowboys Thanksgiving game played somewhere around 1980? i’ve seen like 35 Cowboys Thanksgiving games so they kind of blur together for the most part but I’ll never forget that game. I was a little kid then and my life revolved around the Cowboys then and in that game they

The interview might have gone better had Mike’s father not abandoned his family when Mike was only eight years old.

Dabo: Listen up men! I’m gonna jam these timeouts up my ass and let’s go get us a field goal!

Ugh. It was not a double pass. It was a lateral and pass. A double pass would be illegal. #highlighttrutherism

So you had this written before Clemson scored and then decided to slightly amend it and publish it anyways, right?