Adjective Man

I imagine that Ratboy’s assistants are about as well-prepared to take on head coaching duties as Belichick’s assistants, i.e. not at all just in case they meet up at some point in the future. Exhibit A: Saturday evening, Texans vs. Patriots /Exhibit B: Everybody but Mike Brey (Quin Snyder having landed in the NBA).

Many NBA scouts are describing Grayson’s recent assist-heavy transformation as ‘pass-flail.’

I’m surprised anybody can be on the Kings beat and with that knowledge actually overcome what must be crippling depression to even get out of bed in the morning.

Why so Kroenke? (almost pronounced ‘cranky’)

As the relocation dance involves charity case owners slathering themselves in honey before doing the hustle in a mound of $100 bills, it has been deemed suggestive and given a 15-yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

“Well, DeMarcus, to be honest, we consider it a blessing if anything remains in Sacramento longer than it takes the average person to assess what a living hell must be like and to purchase a one-way ticket to anywhere.”

Now playing

I love the absolute degeneracy of their models-eating-2900-calorie-triple-cheeseburgers commercials, as close to the Bill Hicks prediction of the ultimate commercial as I’ve seen.

I’ll bet some people out there would like to learn how old I, a picture of Peter Roget, was before having my children, how old my parents were when they had me, how old my sister was, and how old my brother was, oh, and maybe my grandparents: 31,25,never,22, 28 (not in that order).

“Here, kids, the earth will be uninhabitable by the time you’re 40 or so. But I’ll be dead by then. Good luck with that shit.”

America in a microcosm; that’s how you get..

Here you go, Junior, pass it to your old man

Harbaugh: Jesus, stop milking it.

I was given reason to believe that we would have treble the cricket highlights by the advent of the New Year and instead it’s all e-badminton and competitive fitness bracelet wearing.

I can’t believe they’re still slotted to meet the Cavaliers in the Eastern Conference Finals as the conference apparently has only those two teams.

Jeff Fisher will start the full-court press for a new coaching job so that he can ruin this national champion’s career *and* put some distance between him and the other career losses pretenders.

It does seem strange to say that Jared Goff was taken #1 overall and DeShaun Watson won’t be, but I think that’s the case. Of course the Browns have another Round 1 pick and could scoop him up there.

It reminds me of Vince Young overcoming the twenty-WR-screens-per-game offense of Greg Davis to scorch a pretty stout USC defense. Here’s to hoping you get to play for a significantly less shitty NFL coach than Jeff Fisher, DeShaun.

If Clemson had lost, one could have fairly looked at the last five minutes as if they were intentionally trying to lose it, from the pooch kickoff to the 35 to the “hey look at that guy” tackling on Hurts’ TD run to the “maybe we’ll get in field goal range” 2-minute drill. Thank God that good players (Vince Young,

Enjoy re-capping that podcast while you can, fellas, it’s one glimmer of self-recognition away from suicide by cop.

“Man, Mike Dunleavy is argumentative and non-compliant, and I should know, I’m married to..”