
goodBYE love actually, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

a “friend” is somebody who is willing to tell you to unfuck yourself when you’re going off the rails. it’s obvious trump has never had a friend during the entirety of his existence.

Hey give the man credit; coin = money, i’m surprised he didn’t just put it in his pocket and walk away.

don’t feel bad kid, i wept after seeing that movie also. thats 2 hours of my life that i will never, ever get back again, you MONSTERS

better not blind-click on those EULAs anymore people, you might wake up in the army

“nipples that are offfff to maaaaaaaarkeeeeet!!

when the truth comes out, we’re probably going to learn that they welcomed this guy with open arms....right up until he said some stupid shit like “you’re gonna have to give up watching your sunday morning football and come to church”

from what i’ve heard, jesus said “turn the other cheek”; so go mourn your dead idiot and STFU

It wouldn’t have mattered if he was an accountant or a goddam circus clown, no JOB was going to prevent him from killing this woman. Not after she not only caused him to lose his cushy judge gig, but get sent to prison to boot. It is HER fault after all, right? Isn’t that how it works?

2 gallons is 2 gallons, no matter how fast it comes out. I’m say put water in your sink and wash your dishes. Dont just leave the water running and give your dishes a shower; thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard.

Meanwhile, the worldwide search for a trump braincell goes on. To date, zero evidence has been found that any exist, but--like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster before him--the search will undoubtedly go on for hundreds of years before anybody TRULY gives up.

Note: You can add as many 12 month codes to your PlayStation account as you want. They just extend your membership expiration date.

Note: You can add as many 12 month codes to your PlayStation account as you want. They just extend your membership

you might as well give up now, you’re gonna loose this argument

i can see where ftrMD is coming from. ie “spoke to a doctor” is not the same as “listened to the doctor and did what she was told” (ask MY wife about THAT shit; women sometimes think they know best, fuck you and your medical doctorate and your years and years of clinical experience) and was the day before her death

it’s loose/lose genious, get it right...

hey, if you don’t like it, you can stop coming over...

In other words, running the tap for just four or five minutes can use more water than an entire dishwasher cycle.

GODDAMIT you made me spit up soda all over my wife’s dashboard, now i’ve got to spend my saturday morning getting it detailed

FULL price? Try triple price. It’s rediculous to expect people to pay more than $20 for a game this old when they can get it for that much or less elsewhere. “But, but PORTABILITY!” Whatever; my laptop is as portable as the switch, and the battery lasts 4-5 times longer than the switch.

youre asking somebody named Terd Crapley for clarification on their point? im not sure you know how the internet works: its full of jerks and cat pictures