Also, Maryann should be more concerned about her church’s record of molestation.
Also, Maryann should be more concerned about her church’s record of molestation.
Why the heck is someone’s mom writing for the student paper?
“Research” now means “I googled something, scrolled by the results that looked like they could be from an actual scientific journal and went straight to the blogs that repeated my ignorant ideas in cursive on a pastel coloured background because memes > peer-reviewed science”
“like a nerd” = “by believing every conspiracy theory I stumbled across”
The fact that the word ‘rape’ isn’t front and center on every news package that reports on this story is maddening.
It’s really quite simple.
Nearing 50 and I wouldn’t be interested him anyway. In fact, after 18 years of marriage, if I were to divorce and be single again I wouldn’t be interested in ANY man. I would be far more interested in doing whatever the hell I wanted to do, answering to no one, and most importantly, only taking care of myself. If I…
Don’t forget Donald Jr and Kushner who are 40 and 37 but are somehow “boys.”
They referred to Ryan Lochte and Mark Zuckerberg, both 33, as ‘kids’. Yet Tamir Rice ‘looked like a man’, Mike Brown was a ‘hulking demon’ and Trayvon Martin was ‘big and dangerous’.
So will this earn him that dreaded “Difficult To Work With” label that results in your acting career going down the shitter, or at least leaving you glad to get roles in Lifetime movies? Or does that rule only apply to female performers who refuse to do nude sex scenes or touch the director’s pee-pee, not dudebros who…
It’s gotten so that anytime I see an actress that falls into the category of “What ever happened to her?” I wonder if Harvey happened.
“Talent.” What every man at every ad agency I’ve worked at since 1995 has called the annual pool of summer interns....
Trump talks about sex like a high-school sophomore who has never had any but is trying to convince the other guys on the JV basketball team he has a girlfriend but she goes to a different school but they’ve totally done it. “There’s nothing great...boobs. And pussy. Just...first rate pussy, guys.…
In case you’d like to vomit, ‘a young socialite’ in Trump’s orbit in 2000 would almost certainly be a friend of Ivanka’s. I’ll bet $100 on Paris Hilton.
Apparently, in the time of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, there were terrible rumours about that he had fathered children out of wedlock, and abandoned them and their mothers to their dismal fates. And yet, no evidence of these children or their mothers has ever been found — in a time in which meticulous records were kept. A…
Have you watched the Ikea ad where 100 cats are let loose in the store?
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
Big ups to your mom for driving you all those miles to get the comic books. That’s a heroic endeavor in its own right.