
Still loving this shot of Saturn made up of a number of images by the Cassini space probe...

The source is The Sun "newspaper"... Says it all really...

@Odin: Mine too... Harmony One remote rocks... I also have a wireless IR keyboard down the side of my mediacenter for the times when we have a few people round and someone want to share a youtube clip...

@Vega Art: A spell checker it seems... :)

Is there a way to add a calendar/task/etc to a particular account on gmail? Now that gmail allows you to be logged into multiple accounts at once, I like to add calendar entries to a shared calendar/task list that I have with my wife, but keep my own email separate...

@Tyrunn: I would like to shake your hand sir... You have just saved me 5 minutes of typing :)

We have a PM at work who is consistently late to everyones meetings - not only other peoples, but his own too. And yet when he's on time for one if his, and you are a few minutes late due to a previous meeting not finishing on time, he gets all stressed...

@Chrismsx: Unfortunately not... It was over 10 years ago now... :)

Be ballsy... I got my job at a big networking company (granted I was already working in the IT industry, but nothing on the networking front), by emailing the email address and telling what I was doing, what I was interested in doing, and that I wasnt being given the opportunity to do it at my

Im surprised this got through the approval process considering Apple turned down the uTorrent iPhone app...

Im by no means a neat freak, but when it comes to shared space, I like to be tidy out of respect for the other person... Its not fair on them that they should have to put up with my mess...

Not sure if this was mentioned before, but I try and keep a crossover cable with me... Cat 5e (straight through) is great, but if you've got a slightly older machine, or round a mates where you need to hook 2x crappy switches together for some unknown reason, crossovers are the way to go...

@justin0025: I have previously played WoW with real friends, questing together actually does make it WAY faster... I've also met a lot of very cool people on a couple of guild meet ups, a few of which came to my stag do earlier this year, and I know that I'll be friends with for years to come - even though I dont play

@ArkanEye: If you stack your quest log full of completed level 80 quests, and wait to hand them in until after the expansion hits, then you get a bit of a headstart... Pretty sure that works as someone told me once thats what they did when TBC hit...

@Darth Meow 504: Its not about what it was... Its about what it could have become...

Fantastic news! I can cancel my MobileMe account now and save myself £50 a year!

Will this play lossless audio files? Also, maybe I missed this in an earlier response, but is there a hi-fi separate that can hook up to an already existing stereo? Perhaps a high quality component one for those of us who have decent hi-fi setups?