
@kiwizz: @kiwizz: Considering thats 1Gbps you are getting worse of a connection percentage wise than I do! I pay for 24Mbps and get 20Mbps...

@Korrupt: Agreed... Cant see them allowing me to copy up my entire 160GB of music... Would love it if they did though! Means I can free up a couple of hard drives for other purposes that are currently used as backups...

"What was even more fascinating was that the juvenile bats — that never encountered large bodies of water — consistently tried to drink from the smooth surfaces as well."

@Shai: hahahaah

Website seems to be grinding to a halt... Guess its being Gizmodo'd...

@Whitson Gordon: They should just enable it by default and take that option out of the software...

@danielblakes: I much prefer transferring the files at work over our internal torrent tracker as invariably someone else in the company has transferred that file already... We are a global company, and sometimes transferring files from Australia to the UK, is just too time consuming... Torrenting means if someone has

@fazillatheef: Yes there is - but you need to set up a tracker to do so, and create the .torrent files manually... We have one set up (somewhere) at work for easily transferring disk images/large files that many people may want to access... Wouldnt be able to tell you what to do, but if you google "setting up your own

@casperiv: I reckon they've got faulty MacBook Pro's... My one used to be (up until a few months back) for many hours of gaming on a Bootcamp partition (on the HDD - I also run an SSD in the ExpressCard slot) running Windows... Yes, the fans spun up a lot, but Ive never had to use an external keyboard/prop the MBP up

@GitEm$teveDave: Does it not bother you that people can see inside your home any time they please? I mean... what if your missus wanted to get jiggy on the couch? :)

@hawkeye18: After reading your comment, the picture I had was Steve laughing with the voice of Monty Burns from the Simpsons... :)

All SIM cards have a SIM number written on them... In this situation I would do the following:

@adhphoto: Buy a bunch of digital cameras... Nice 14.1 MegaPixel Canon IXUS... That'll class it up a bit... :)

@CmdrHunt - Agent of Time Corps: Inception was the film I've enjoyed most the whole of this year... Hope it bumps up your feeling about it being a "blah" movie season... Because up until seeing Inception, I would have agreed with you...

@flinx1: You said it yourself - "what if answering email is an important part of your job?"...