

Where's the "Like" button :)

Lol man I forgot how awful that was. I remember when they introduced the feature into some tape decks, that if there was a gap of 4 or more seconds in between tracks, it would stop fast forwarding or rewinding :) Technological advances were amazing back then...

Although lossless is up there on sound quality now (that would have been the argument a few years back), back when albums were written as an entire piece, you didn't listen to just 1 or 2 songs from an album. You listened to the whole thing, from beginning to end (Pink Floyd - DSOTM anyone?).

I've actually tried a few of these sites... Out of them all, the best one for recommending movies you'll like, is Criticker... I actually use Jinni more, because of its ease of use. Searching for something you fancy watching is much easier on Jinni due to the search features, but I'll generally check Criticker to see

We have a guy in the office using one of these... Only he came 13th in the International Triathlon Union championships this year... He also completed an Iron Man a few years back... Maybe this would stop you from becoming "that guy" too? :)

VOTE: GrandPerspective

Hahaha :D I had to look at the photo a couple of times when I first saw the article to double check if she had something wrong with her... You spoke my mind :)

I really prefer to this... I've played with this all afternoon, and although its good, it just isn't granular enough for me... Still think Lifehacker should do an article on Jinni...

I keep forgetting you guys have Netflix over there... Here in the UK, we have nothing that even comes close to the features Netflix has...

Even 9.0+ on IMDB doesn't necessarily mean that it's any good... Get an account on and start rating, and actually get ratings on things that are more thank likely what you'll enjoy, instead of what 10,000x 13 year old girls rated as the best movie ever, getting it into the IMDB top 250...

Have to say I agree 100% with you... Just watch your CPU usage when visiting a heavily flash-driven website...

The galaxy Markarian 231 *was* dying - about 600 million years ago...

Finder, Applications, Trash... I remove everything else as I use Spotlight to launch everything, including finding documents I've written etc.

Normal AA-battery sized Maglite. Best torch ever made... Waterproof, and lightweight... Never go anywhere without it so if I at least need to pee during the night, I dont have to blind myself by turning on the light...

Phase 2 is the most fun though...

Funny you should post this right smack bang in the middle of the day I'm having... :)

There's websites for people like you... ;-)

Not exactly a media manager, but it seems to do most of the things I would need from one of the apps listed above... I use Rockmelt browser...

Speech marks are your friend...