
Wait do I have to make another account for commenting, but I like Disque, I'm too lazy for another account

Breibart now might have an existentialistic crisis, as they're Right Wing Socialism media empire now crumbles, this might finally end Trump, I can't wait for the Breibart protesting against Trump, it's like a fanfic of Palpatine vs Jabba

At least cleaning house before he leave, but with Breibart now on Trump's ass, this would be hysterical

They would kick Gene out when they figured out Gene's Jewish, maybe Mel Gibson would be ok

Hanna Barbera was never funny, add Gary Cole as a lawyer to make me interested

Scott Tennorman super uncool

RATM was mostly old school Hip hop and Funk, not so much Nu Metal, which used more contemporary Rap music with techno, some Nu Metal can be goofy fun for me, even if I can be snobby about Nu, but I still like Korn

Did you not watch that sweet Slayer music video with Danny Trejo murdering Nazis, that's like the most not Alt Right thing ever

I just started listening to their greatest hits, The Landlord song is like the coolest song to protest Trump

Solider of Fortune being a classic, and don't forget X Japan

Crossover Funk, super unracist, I mean Rage Against The Machine had alot of use of African American music

Just because Japan and Most of South America appreciate badass music, does not make the genre racist

Eh Dave just read a newspaper on nuclear war, after getting stabbed in the back by Lars and James for not to keep up with drinking :p

Also Mustaine did a sick solo on Ice T Body Count's Civil War, super not racist song

Fine alot of people of different races are racist, just let me enjoy my Iron Maiden

Well Dave may be crazy, more self hating than Woody Allen and the Coens, but I still love that guy, I would not be the same without Mustaine, and maybe I'm just the glad the Alt Right would not accept him… for being a Ginger

Don't worry, Spotify still got Judas Priest

Metal generally has a somewhat Libertarian attitude, but maybe that's just me

Thrash Metal was started by a Chilean (Slayer), a Half Filipino (Metallica), and a Ginger Jew (Megadeth)

People are allowed to kick off Nazis within private property, and being banned from internet forum does not make someone a political prisoner