
Or the free market kicking out for money

I know people wanna be snarky about this, but eh it's something nice and I appreciate PewDiePie for this, even though Doug Walker and Mike Stolaska were way cooler than PewDiePie

And let other peope do the dying for them?

Eh most people skipped that show, I'm sure Marvel understood that

Saul of Better Call Saul would be a great adversary to Matt Murdock, make that an episode Marvel
Saul somehow got Kingpin out of jail

I missed your old profile pic

I hoping to be a janitor on those seastanding islands for rich people during the World War

I'm waiting for the start of Trump West Korea fascist police state

If only I can rent an island that let Kim, Trump, Isis, the Alt Right, Putin, and Bill Cosby to just fight each other to death for a Battle Royale Yojimbo, and whenever extremists are mad at other extremists, they can fight each other on that island, the winner gets a cookie and a coupon to Bed Bath and Beyond, as I

With that overly meta line about, getting rid of 3 nonwhite members of vindicators, I like to think there's merit of Rich just being hopelessly depressed understanding the fourth wall

That was a great review that didn't pander to alt right, girls deserves more than pop culture leftovers of dying franchises

Don't understand the reference, but you kinda made me chuckles

Soundcloud so useful to save phone energy on podcasts that Youtube doesn't provide unless paid for

Even with a "White America" these racists would still split of to even more insular group for another Civil war, between British Colonial descendants and Blonde Only Aryans, both won't allow Irish

His gold toliet could have feed like 10 families

Let these Alt Right redneck people inbreed at the woods, it almost what they want, whiny Snowflakes

Does this scenario reminds people of that terrible crawl of Star Wars Episode 3 and Plinkett review "Heroes on both sides?"

These Nipsters would ruin America with their post freedom ironic attitude

Isn't that too foreign for them

Does anyone got any dimes?