
I don’t know how to read newer comments, Disqus was better

I think I made 2 accounts, this better my Disqus

Or Breibart, we're not special

Once Jeff Session ban their hentai, the Alt Right nerds will turn on Trump

This is why I'm a Progressive Libertarian :p

This is why I like James Cameron more, he get more honest divorces

I didn't like Whedon that much before it was cool, stop copying me

… in other news Whedon is still rich

Huzah, I also just like to screw with conservatives head by throwing their jargon back at them, I'm more moderate, but it's fun for me

All fiancial inequality is mostly conservative faults, with their tax breaks and bailouts to failing companies

He didn't recycled yesterday

Better than Conservative "give more money to rich people" party

Jerking off to porn probably

Republicans are just slighty more racist liberals… vote libertarian

Not fun enough to read, people don't like boring pragmatic moderation opinions anymore

That opinion doesn't get enough clicks

This is splitting hair with semantics for a click baiting article, also Greg Weisman was better, I consider Whedon overrated before it was cool

This is why they should have use more Swastikas for Captain America movie

How about statues of British Royalty, they were important for America

Aside from a snarky comment, kids know how bad Nazis are with video games and movies as fodder