
On the spectrum, trains and math seem boring to me, but quiz me on movie academia, tips on screenwriting, and Megadeth lyrics

I have Aspergers and I just don't like math

I kinda like Rebecca Sugar's Peridot, which I talked with the voiceactor about it, and Rebecca boyfriend Ian Jones Quartley OK Ko's Dendy, an Awkard kid that wants to relate but made had trouble

I would join you

As an Aspie, this might be fun for snark material to hate watch, like Ben Affleck's Accountant

Dunkirk looked the Clone Wars to me, seriously there's that promo pick of like 3 Harry Styles sitting on the beach

Well that didn't made me Vegan, I just want to live longer

Soon with advance Transhumanism technology race would be almost obsolete

Maybe this will get people closer to a post racial society, like the Star Belly Sneetches

The use if Will Arnett was fun for me

I felt this and the last episode deconstruct and made fun of Nihilism

Couldn't disagree with you more, especially since I don't watch GoT

I think this season is about deconstructing deconstruction

Voice acting is like a week or 2 worth a work for a season

Probably on the comic series

Eh you probably just complain about a White Superhero not being white anymore on your political bandwagon later, your not special

It's has such a hipster attitude with itself, why can't get they get Tommy Wiseau to direct and act on this franchise, that guy an auteur that cares.

Eh Sharknado is too commercialized for me as a "so bad it's good movie"

But Pat was not technically transgender, just Adrogynous, despite being a bit akward (the movie h/she was worse) the gag was more about people just being overly akward in polite situations

Who cares about Pat, why bring up old schlock, particulary for something that was one of the worse movies ever made.