
I would have showed up just to smash the award on stage and flip off people

This woupd have been a better HBO miniseries

Sony is like the Konami of movie studios, I would have like it more if it had self insert Stephen King like the later books

Lemmy and Bowie would be an awesome duo for like a buddy road movie, a hysterical odd couple, like Guy Ritchie esque gangsters

Me too, and with the confusing cut I thought the main character was also the guy on the boat with a jump cut

Eh kinda hard to tell with Russia, seem both sides are not that different compare to Korea

Korea's East is closer to America

All those white guys look the same to me… I'm not even trying to be funny

It's reminds me of Lex Luthor plan on Justice League unlimited, but not as smart

The start of East Korea and the Western Soviet Union

Don't worry before Trump start his Mad Max dystopia, Putin would fixed that with his remake of 1984 or reboot of The Soviet Union

Why doesn't Trump just have a harem of Slave Leias at this point

The rise of the nipsters aka Nazi hipsters just like to be contranian

Why bother hiring writers for this schlock, I'm sure an executive can write a screenplay rivarling the othef movies quality

Don't you mean Comrade Trump?

Conservatives are mostly just more selfish Liberals, or how I view them, White Power communists

I met Lori Petty at a con, and she said Bigelow rushed the love scenes

So your triggered?

Maybe George Miller like Judas Priest

As a guy that rewatch Mad Max Fury Road like 3 times at the theater, tbis was a fun episode, Summer just kick ass at the wasteland