
I'm saving the enviroment by not supporting cow farts industry, you should be grateful for me :p

Or all straight White Male politicians hijacked most political forces

I stop eating animal byproducts because of Netflix, Audible, and Daiya

Well maybe a Libertarian president, but a very moderate president with no identity based politics might work, maybe a moderate party can be popular after an extreme election

Matt and Trey became successful enough to become the villains

She was ok with socialist opression of Native Americans, fuck her

I like to point out Ayn Rand doesn't like Libertarians that skim her notes

Aside from being annoying, they are just not as bad as the Alt Right, as a libertarian I feel more comfortable with liberals because A I'm not White, and B were both socially progressive I just think their method may not be right

That episode about Prius was just don't be jerks about it… which is such a moot nitpicky point to focus on, compare to the Alt Right Trolls that they're jerkiness has not much a side benefits

Like what if Matt and Trey did the Nambla episode now, people that don't like Nambla are jerks too?

How's different from conservatives? They think they're morally better than other people too

But kinda ignores the same tactics that conservatives uses

As a Libertarian, I'm slowly kinda get tired of Matt and Trey no position laziness

Trump wouldn't get past Webaloos without a bribe

This reminds me of a Duke Phillips Speech
"I just drank two bottles of tequila, my wife doesn't know I'm here, any of your girls over 18?"

Don't forget to pay extra to skip ads, which I'm they added more than the commerical break of the original tv run

Getting rid of Young Justice after getting season 3, that's friggen stupid

Like Lindsay Ellis said, The Fifth Element was most weirdest looking generic movie ever, Luc Besson is too shallow to make this

JJ Abrams ruined reboots even more

Just reminds me of the dumbed down movies