
"You may control my mind, but you'll never control my ass"
- Milo Oblong

I blame milk for baby calf :p

They sorta got the color pencil background look

Kinda miss that hand drawn look, I'm hoping digital ink and paint can get better to look old school ink and paint again if I make my animated productions

Did they renact those scenes just for the celebration?

That list missing Danny Cooksey, John Conner's friend from Terminator 2 and Jack Spicer, which I'm sure they got

Just watch a Rifftrax dub, that's how I watch the movie outside reviews and clips

No Mickey Mouse production, big movie

Well The Room found an audience quicker than Ed Wood movies

I use the audio book, because I'm lazy and can speed it up

I like the movie Ed Wood, but I need to see more, James Franco can't just do wacky flat bad goofy acting, but act like a crazy auteur that put so much effort and enthusiam

And just have his cinematogapher shoot actors telling the audience what the themes of the movie their watching

Bane and Talia were such weak villains with poir motivation, all that grand planning for petty revenge for some guy that abandon them, not to mention Batman showed how to clean up a city without killing people, yet they are mad to tear down a city with low crime rate because Batman lied about Harvey Dent, as if that

Dull waste of time overly philosphizing character thinking this movie so deep when it's just a movie about petty overly complicated revenge

A less than 2 hour movie with scenes that lacks dialog, that can't be Nolan, what about dull dry parts where characters spouts freshman paper thesis on philosophy

Never mind it's 97% on Rottentomatoes, hope it's better than Interstellar slog

What town? That comment just to broad to use on a online forum :p

Still no reviews on RottenTomatoes of Dunkirk that worries me

I thought use "Killers" as just an edgy adjective

Is that a reference?