
But what if you had a dog too?

Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar, despite some crap, this summer pretty great

Eh ok

Alt Right big government right wing socialist consider herself to be political prisoners when her life's slightly inconvient by a private company that probably was bailed out by government no less

Just add Hulk to the Fast and The Furious franchise

I don't get the reference

Lindelof ruined Tommorowland

So the kids actors have to be replaced, that's kinda dissapointing

So R Kelly's the next Ron L Hubbard?

Some of these complainers are just alt rights douches jumping a bandwagon that probably don't even like "that faggy british" Doctor Who show

But to complain about a corporate owned fictional character's gender/race/sexuality

Check out this wonderful discussion on Disney cultural appropriation by the great Youtuber Lindsay Ellis (a woman that I respect)

You should be put at the "Please Please Get a Life organization" along with the other triggered nerds

Hey I objectify less than most people; such as fascist racist frat boys, and big government conservatives trying to control women bodies, I even started a plant based diet

As long hack Steven Moffatt left, the Doctor could be a fat tran black guy on a wheelchair for all I care

"Pull the strings"

As fun and rewatchable Dawn of The Dead was, Day of The Dead may be better

Your not more sex negative like Jeff Sessions are you? Rather ban sexuality?

What you got against Jazzy Jeff, he was more talented than Will, who only was an adequate rapper at best that rely mostly on being so likable

Aladdin of the orginal fairy tale was Chinese, than repacked by Europeans with the Middle Easter Oriental nights chique so eh