
Your didn't provided awarness or even a solution to best me, your not being constructive

You rather play tea party walking on eggshells, that see and focus on psychological problems

This guy was not even that clever, besides there multitude of reasons for suicides that goes beyond parenting, aspects we should be concern and informed…

I thought the C Word was an insult for women generally

These comments are not even that smart

Well how I'm suppose to directly showcase a psychological problem

I just hope you read that psychological article

Wow your so hard headed, sweeping problems under the rug, that's not how people get better

Have you faced utter hopeless before, I wished to die several times before, yet here you are covering up psychlogical problems that plague many people

What fanfic? I just suggested Synder needed professional psychlogical help, his movies are cry for help, and your ignoring his pleas of hopeless desparity

I'm just being pragmactic, suicide is tragic, and Synder would need psychological help after this, the man seem unhinged before

That Guy Inconito seems to have no compassion

Have you watch Batman V Superman, very nihilistic and hopeless

I said "Not like this" and "Sadly"

Does Joss Whdeon even direct action scenes, I assume Joss would just let DP, special effects storyboarder, or a 2nd Unit direct those scenes

I wanted to Synder stop directed schlock for DC, BUT NOT LIKE THIS, condolence to him as a father but not as a director. I sadly concerned that the also depressed Synder would put a bullet to his head as well basing on his cynical movies and I hope he receieve help for his mental state, as followup suicides can be as

Pesto lost that's what matters to Bob

It needed screechy H Jon Benjamin

Bob's Burger probably the least politicized animated Fox show, socially progressive by not being preachy