
Aside from the unfunny art shop part, this was a fun episode, that parade looks fun

At this point you may be more mad than Ansari

If America didn't halfass Classical Liberalism first, there would be no social problems, no trumped drug laws to arrest minorities, no federal government telling you not to have with a consenting adult of your gender, no Football stadiums wasting your money, no crony system to arrest children for cash, and a car that…

Man your more triggered than a Trump supporter

Whiny commentor bitching about a genius taking a break

Settle down grandpa, not like people want to wait for an arbitary time slot that they can miss anyway, particulary with continuity focused show

Genius can't be rushed

You talking about Trump supporters?

The Trump adminstration are ruining the free market by feeding dying business like coal

I don't consider them Libertarians, but proto Right Wing Socialism

As long those guys aren't abused, check out the movie Freaks, very uplifiting

Nah Nixon before the Southern Strategy would be more effective

Just seem forced for 3d

Pence not gonna be nice to me, so why bother politeness?

Meh, as long I can still piss on the American flag, you can call me Cuck austistic race traitor for all I care

Fox News are triggers for Racist Right Wing Socialist Snowflakes

Those students have a right to leave

I hyped for that movie, hope that movie be nominated for an Oscar for a 2d animation comeback

Does anyone need an excuse to leave their graduation, I didn't went for my bachelor because graduations are so boring, and just ate at a sushi resteraunt