
I just assume Beach City and most of America have a lower age for adults

I thought she was a little girl from the commercial

Marty, with his creepy wrinkles :p

Maybe Lapis would bust Steven out, she faces off Aquamarine like Obi Wan and Darth Vader, I would assume outclass Aquamarine who's water power more limit to flight

So Rose doesn't care about other aliens (kinda racist), or has the Gems did galactic genocides?

But Buck might not think that's cool (Buck probably cool with it, but Lars doesn't know that)

It's anime character as an British Star Wars bad guy

What would Lars even want to study for?

So like the cyclop of The Odyssesy?

Uh Topaz first male gem?…. that'll throw people off

Sorta bizarre her drawing slightly more detailed than the show typical abstract designs, particulary Aquamarine much simplified look

No spoilers, but wait for Topaz

There's a lack of great simple douchebag villains, not plot twist Disney villains or bland Marvel Villains with a forced arbitary sob story

The release schedule so messy, I can't wait for all CN shows to be streamable, Boomerang just the transition to that

Fine episode however nitpick, Gems know what the term "my" is, they said "My Diamond" before, also haven't one of their conquered planets have similar naming conventions, they can't all be Maklarks

Because he gets the best one liners

Unlike most politicized shows, the characters are must more flawed, with it last episode deconstructing itself

Home Movie was soon after Dr Katz

Also I'm just too lazy to watch :/

There's no stake for me, because all characters are terrible to each other, it doesn't matter who win, and they're so disposable that why bother caring on Game of Thrones