

I suppose you have a point

Game of Thrones, Attack on Titans, Eli Roth movies, and Sunny at Philadelphia are way too pessimistic for me, as the emotionally stakes are so low with such unlikable and disposable characters

If I had money I would hire you as a writer for a review show

Well I'm sorry I come off abrasive, but trolls are way more shallow and don't provide critical thinking

Fuck that was like Roger Ebert quality

Trolling requires hate speech and shallow hatred to people for the sake of shock

If you mean that great Patton Oswalt episode, I know people enjoy things I like differently, I fine with that. Doesn't mean I can't give constructive criticism for fun

Your talking to the guy with a Fluttershy plushie
Oh I don't like pointless shallow cyncism when written poorly

Ok perhaps I was a tad hyperbolic, as I mean I guess Homeworld against some Fusion represent prejudice, but Earth seem so artifical to me

Steven Universe unlike most shows, do take chances, have a clear artistic direction, alot of effort, and very personal, I don't have much malice to the hardworking crew

I almost ate that amount of nacho cheese several time

Hey I'm just picky, (blame my college classes on screenwriting)

Processed cheese, basically my heroin

What Dave are you talking, I don't remeber character name Dave

Hard to tell with the show stylistic choices, I just view the characters abstractly as average people that aren't perfect models

Read tumblr

How's that different than Steven Universe?

I guess but with such a kind enviroment like Beach City, In feeling emotionally distant from him

Well if I can't engage Lars with standard narrative writing, can't at least be more entertaining, Lars such a killjoy to me, like fun just stops with him around